Friday, March 4, 2011

Extreme Curves Archives

THE RAPTORS: The Rise of gas is not the fault of multinational revolutions!

households undergo unprecedented racketeering with a massive rise in gasoline prices and more generally of energy products. While the Arab peoples are struggling at the cost of their lives for democracy and social justice, Europe Jamahiriya exploits the situation to further liberalize the market Energy, intended by its sponsors and Right Socialists, and justify the increase in gasoline prices. One of his "expert" are brainwashing said: "The bills reflect the evolution of world prices and the trend is increasing due to the high volatility in the Arab world. "It is shameful and wrong: the Libya covers only 2% of world supplies! And speculation and super profits, it does not exist? Total profits rose 25% last year and amounted to 10 billion euros, of which 5 billion will be paid to shareholders. Thank you for them!
1 / In these countries, people have confiscated their national wealth by both dictators and multinational corporations.
2/The rising energy prices due to speculation and profit preempted by the majors.
3 / The oil taxation in France and Europe is punitive to families so that gifts breaks to businesses and large fortunes multiply.
One more reason to punish, March 20, this power more conscious of the privileges of the band Fouquet's that the public interest by voting for Sofia Dauvergne and his deputy Jean-Claude Mamet .
Gas Prices: The Libya has "broad back"
After successive increases in gas prices (+20%) and electricity (6%) over the last 12 months, the liter unleaded gasoline reached an average of € 1.49 today. The media attribute cause to events in Libya. However, it covers only 2% of world supply. Especially, the increases in oil prices have started much earlier, in association with the falling dollar, a tremendous speculation encouraged by the monetary policy of the United States, deregulation of markets subject to the thirst for majors and financial profitability of banks . In addition, the oil tax, punitive to families, as European states do not want to alleviate, to capture a portion of oil revenues to reduce the deficits widening their huge support for large capital. But this is ignored and is preferred make the oil responsible for all the difficulties, while the increase of its courses only increases the phase of exacerbation of the crisis with policies implemented since the service of the dominance of financial markets. It is preferable to the single account of events in Libya increases which, however, are mainly caused by speculation and the unwillingness of leaders OECD to hire an energy revolution.
users and people = money pumps. In reality, these events are an opportunity:
1/For government is rising with each additional revenues from VAT and does not touch the wealth of the TIPP (58% of the price of gasoline)
2/Pour speculators whose every wide variation in prices is an opportunity to make money
3/Pour the oil companies like Total, which has announced it will provide $ 5 billion in dividends on its profits in 2010.Des proposals to change the logic.
Racket households in France, misery of people in the South, grabbing the oil rent by groups, speculators, and family in the producing countries is that capitalist economic order that shake people's movements today . A conference World Energy, which should be considered a common good, would be necessary. In the immediate future, the government must take urgent measures: - by establishing a maximum price at pump - in deciding the decrease of 5% of the TIPP on petroleum products - by adopting a plan urgency to develop public transport - funding these measures by a tax on oil company profits.

How Does A Vigana Look

TFR: a sham debate for turning France into a tax haven for large fortunes

How turning France into a tax haven for wealthy families? It is the exercise which aims to engage the government by staging a mock debate between two scenarios dilution-extinction of the ISF. The string is large: the government would recover the protest against the scandalous tax shield to allow the removal of the ISF. This is even more unacceptable that the measures being considered to offset the 3.4 billion euros - in the worst case scenario - are vague and could open the door to massive fraud in the context of declining resources tax administration. The operation is in crisis and indecent while 8 million workers now earn less than 950 euros per month! The tax shield should indeed be deleted and the ISF major reform primarily to increase the levy on financial fortunes thrive against the interests of the vast majority of French men and women.
Peter Lawrence, national secretary of the PCF

March 20, we have the opportunity to oppose this policy to only serve the wealthy and punish severely. To give a good left to right, it should break with the liberal loigiques. In Romainville, is voting for Sofia who Dauvergne permits.