Sunday, March 23, 2008

Watch Nightmare Campus For Free.

Many cases of bowel cancer in children


Stop eating and drinking:

  • MILK Cow
  • cow meat,
  • Cheese Cow ...

"The cows are poisoned horns up" ... says a scientist at the CNRS ...

"We have no right to speak ... because dairy products and beef are a big economic market ..."

"Some governments are trying to increase production in goat milk to replace cow's milk ..."

Moreover, "Currently in hospitals, there is a marked increase cancer cases intestines in children ! "

Beef, regular cow milk, cheese, yogurt conventional ... are directly implicated.

This is because they are heavily polluted by pollution of all kinds (in different proportions depending on the location of pastures: dioxin, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, chemical synthesis, derived from kerosene, sparkling radiating substances, radioactivity, ... etc.

You have also seen these reports in TV news, where we see the cows Italian living near human waste, open dumps ... but their milk is used to make the mozzarella that oblivious to the danger we eat ...

Note Although cow's milk is not essential to the growth of your child . There are plant milks (Lima) constitute excellent alternatives. And natural mineral powders calcium, phosphorus ... and other elements of growth.
Check with the store-organic diet near you ...

If you are concerned about the cancer, leukemia, AIDS, or any other serious illness, then it is strongly advised to read these books (below) of an exceptional content and exciting:

=> "Advice for prevention and treatment of many diseases: cancer, leukemia and other diseases apparently incurable, but treatable with natural means ... "" LEUKEMIA CANCER "by Rudolf Breuss , Rudolf Breuss own French edition, A-6714 Nüziders, Im Hag 23. (Available in some health food stores in France). Rudolf Breuss

was born June 24 in Austria and started in the 1950s to develop a natural method to cure cancer and leukemia.

Although strongly criticized by the scientific community, Rudolf Breuss has cured 45,000 patients with cancer from 1950 to 1990.

His method is to observe a "strict regime" for five to seven weeks during which the patient than just absorb water, concoctions of herbs and vegetable juices:

"It was composed of red beet juice, but since it is impossible to live only by drinking the juice of beetroot, I added carrot juice Because of carotene intake, celery for phosphorus because it is impossible to live without phosphorus, and radish juice and potatoes to the liver.

Dr. Breuss also indicates that an infusion of peel potatoes can help fight cancer.

Many doctors have questioned the fact that the human body can take 45 days without absorbing protein, but a biochemist explained very what about:

"Thanks to the curacy of juices, protein intake is stopped outside, it eliminates the proteins in the daily diet. However

the organism can not live without this substance, blood, hungry for protein in the body eats everything that is superfluous, proliferating cells, accumulation of tissue and tumors, and the cure is called Breuss faculties' own self-healing of the patient.

vegetable juice, which helps provide the substances which the body's cells need should always be accompanied decoctions of herbs such as sage or the desire to strengthen the body's immune system.

The Breuss cure is a replacement for chemotherapy.

because chemotherapy not only eats away cancer cells but healthy cells, which weakens the body and leaves the patient in horrible suffering.

It does not survive chemotherapy, it kills the cancer but also the abyss body.

In contrast, the Breuss cure based on the wisdom of our body to restore balance in the cells, to remove only the cancerous cells.

For this "strict regime" or "young", the agency deprives cells cancer of the resources they need to thrive, they end up dying and at best, are eaten by the blood in search of lower protide.

course, the treatment of cure Breuss obeys precise rules and do not in any way.

This is a "young", which is not trivial, and the agency should not fade during processing. Rudolf Breuss explains in his book "The Cure Breuss" how treatment should be undertaken without its smallest details.

This book was long banned from publication by the scientific community, misunderstanding of Breuss doctor who had cured 45,000 patients with his method, but we can now be purchased in France by Editions LABUSSIERE.

Rudolph Breuss died May 17, 1990, he was 91 years.

This is a review of the Breuss Cure by Michael Dogna :

Why cure vegetable juice market does?

If we take the writings of Bruno Vonarburg, Switzerland biochemist, author of "Blessing of God in nature," he stated about the Breuss cure: "Given that the development because cancer is fueled by the proteins, I see the advantage in treatment with a juice cure: indeed, the daily diet of protein being arrested, and the organism can not live without this element, the blood, Amateur protein in the body eats everything superfluous, vegetation, materials and raising of tumors. It is an operation without scalpel which carries the red juice itself, once finely proportioned.

It is assumed that these considerations for smart they are, are only the visible part of the iceberg. Is it necessary to explain everything in order to see results positive, surprising and often unexpected.

It is also important to point out the need for a proper functioning of feces and urine as excretion products could cause poisoning stagnant. Do

especially never forget that cancer eats solid foods that are carriers of proteins. Hence the need for an exclusive food juice that was filtered through the dregs. The cure

Rudolf Breuss juice is it restricted to cancer?

Absolutely not - and thousands of people took the cure for the sole purpose of improving their health and increase vitality.

Furthermore, the treatment of vegetable juice may be beneficial in many diseases. This is an excellent weight loss that can occur without hunger, without adverse effect.

For arthritis, it's spectacular. The method has also been tested by the Institute of Physical Therapy Amriwil Switzerland.

The Breuss cure for leukemia

According to Rudolf Breuss, leukemia is a disease of the blood of decomposition taking place at the portal vein. The disease originates in a moral vacuum, more or less conscious.

Treatment is simpler than in cancer. Simply use 1 / 4 liter of juice per day mixed, divided into three drinks before the main meals. This for 42 days.

energy often comes after six days.

Golden Rule supply

Never eat reheated food.

They no longer contain any vitamin. They are appeasing the hungry and can not survive long term. To proscribe all the more when we want to cure a disease.


- The book "Breuss Cancer Diet" was printed more than 1 million copies in several languages, the French version is distributed with three thousand copies a year. There are currently 45,000 testimonies of people healed.

Here's one:


A victory against cancer

Here are hopeful the testimony of one of many people cured of his cancer by Rudolf Breuss method also called "vegetable juice cure"

"We are in the street outside the lab where we come out, our analysis by hand. My husband and I, we watch, we laugh and we cry together. We no longer know where we are ...

Is there greater joy? Satisfaction deserved more before that victory against cancer?

Even if we believed staunchly in the treatment Rudolf Breuss one of our friends subscriber to your journal, we had advised, was the anguish since the blood test: what would be the verdict?

Begun January 13, 2002, after a PSA level of 68-73-88, the cure ended February 24 lowers the rate to 0.07, is unexpected! Our doctor, who is in the confidence and encourages us with enthusiasm, kept saying "... unthinkable."

Here, one can not deny the obvious. No offense to all kinds of sneering, skeptical of cures natural ones that we dealt during the desert crossing.

To those who are watching with interest, we cry loud and clear and our belief in our victory, we've already been emulated.

course, I supported my husband diligently and faithfully to make the "cure" him.

I am relieved of 7 kg of superfluous curves. My eldest son, worried that came every morning to see if we were still alive, made me the highest compliment: "Mom, you're younger than 10 years." It can not be invented. Since we have 70 and 69 years is to find more weight of a girl.

It was very hard to take six weeks, because we were frozen solid in winter, hot water, woolens, as it has never burned wood in the fireplace, but the positive side: free time, no kitchen, no market, no dishes ... The first ray of sunshine, we walked in nature for us oxygenate in the frost or snow. The gray days we have been leading cultural discoveries and there are many in our Burgundy.

So we managed to pass the course with, for my husband, very aggressive, me a little tired. He had to stop the unnecessary hypotensive, analysis of cholesterol is at the top level.

In synergy, my husband made the isotropy and the cure of urinary Carzodélan. But we keep the vegetable juice, 3 glasses per day, and have adopted a system of plant proteins, vitamins ABCDE, as recommended in the most interesting book by Dr. Joseph Levy "Alternative methods in the treatment of cancer" (- Ed .'s Rock), and also "four blood types, 4 diets" Dr. Peter J. Adamo (- Ed Michel Lafon).

I forgot to explain that my husband, accustomed to chronic bronchitis winter, this time had neither cough or cold, a real slagging liver, lungs and arteries.

Thanks to Rudolf Breuss and all those who allowed the dissemination of its work. I am so happy that I want to kiss you! "

Aline and Michael R. (89)

If you read this page so far is that you are really concerned by the question. That's why we offer this: Text the first edition of the book by Rudolf Breuss, click here (this link will redirect your browser to another site ... Please visit us again ...)


The cure anti-cancer by Rudolf Breuss Rudolf Breuss

was a brilliant healer that Germany has developed an anti-cancer treatment based on vegetable juices. We give you the procedure of this cure that has proved its efficiency through the many healings, if you follow exactly the directions for the 42 days during the treatment. The cure

vegetable juice
This treatment should last 42 days. Vegetable juices can be purchased eg dietary juices Demeter or better hurry yourself provided it organic vegetables. To absorb the amount per day varies between 1 / 4 liter and 1 liter.
It's not about any vegetable. Here is the
precise composition developed by Rudolf Breuss.

Juice Blend (daily consumption)
With a centrifuge manufacture to order a mixture of juice from fresh vegetables following proportions:
- 300 g beetroot
- 100 g carrots,
- 100 g celery (root),
- 30 g of radish,
- 1 potato with skin about the size of a hen's egg (optional).
Note: In cases of liver cancer, the potato is necessary.
Here's another method: cook a handful of potato peelings (bio) in the equivalent of two cups of water for 3 minutes. A cup day of the decoction.

Procedure for the cure:

During the 3 days preceding the cure:
should begin to consume between meals juice mixture at a rate of ¼ liter per day. This is to accustom the body to this new food. .

During the course of 42 days:
Sticking strictly to the mixture of juice that you consume with a spoon preferably by keeping a bit in the mouth before swallowing. It has been demonstrated by experience, that 1 / 4 of a liter per day is enough to live.
Namely that you should never exceed one liter of juice blend of day. You can add, if you will, a mouthful of raw sauerkraut juice occasionally.

During this period, little weight loss of 5 to 15 kg, but this does not feel good and energetic.

Nearly 10,000 people have made this juice cure for 42 days without eating anything next. They have held up and regained health, without subsequent relapse.

During the treatment, it is recommended not to take any medication, nor make any bite or smoking, which could adversely affect the general cleansing of the body while it is being taken back hand its metabolism vital self-defense.

Finally, it is essential to get rid of the house, naphthalene, camphor, DDT, insecticide sprays, air cleaners for toilets, and all harsh chemicals and questionable. By cons, burn incense to clean the house. . After the cure

To replenish gradually with light foods (rice, vegetables, couscous ...). It is also recommended not to stop immediately the juice mixture and continue to consume 1 / 2 liter per day before meals. .

option half-cure
Rudolf Breuss This term applies to those who think they can not endure the strict regime or because people are too weak. Those can take each day plus juice blend:
- or a cup of cream of oats (flakes cooked and mixed),
- a noodle soup with onion using the following recipe: Sauté
with an onion peel in oil,
Pour a cup of hot water,
Cook 1 / 4 of an hour.
to know that healing is less immediate with half cure.

An essential complement for the first 3 weeks (21 days)
When applying everything that is advised by letter, you lose some weight. The keystone is in renal infusion which is taken at a rate of 1 / 2 cup cold morning, noon and evening, or better yet, if we take two tablespoons every hour. The tea

renal Rudolf Breuss
- 6 g of horsetail,
- 5 g of nettle of May (preferably)
- 3 g knotweed
- 2 g of wort.

- throw a pinch of mixture in one cup of hot water and infuse for 10 minutes,
- recover the residue of infusion and add the equivalent of two cups of water.
- boil 10 minutes so that half evaporates.
- Filter. Mix the decoction brewing.
must not exceed 3 weeks of use, otherwise the kidneys might stop working under the impulse of the tea.

decoctions of Sage Life
A Roman physician wrote: "Why die because there is sage in the garden?".
Always drink a cup of decoction of sage per day, hot or cold, even when one is doing well, and even more so during the cure.
Boil a pinch per cup for exactly 3 minutes.

infusions of geranium Geranium
contains trace elements radium. It is a gentle therapy. This closes the trilogy with herbal sage tea and kidney. A pinch of leaves per cup brewed 10 minutes. Drink one cup a day.

additional specific herbal teas - in case of lung cancer: an infusion of fennel
the Alps - in case of uterine cancer: infusions of Alchemilla

Daily Planning:
During the first 3 weeks.
at sunrise:
-1 / 2 cup of herbal tea kidney, then every hour, alternating:
- vegetable juice - between 35 and 125 ml depending on the needs and
- decoction of sage: 1 tablespoon. .
at noon and at bedtime: 1 / 2 cup of herbal tea kidney.
to 17 hours: 1 cup of geranium.
After 3 weeks, remove the tea kidney.

text of the first edition of the book of Rudolf Breuss, click here
(this link will direct you to another site)

=> " holistic healing, healing through faith " Whether you're sick or healthy, this book will show you what is really important in life.

(...) To all those who aim to give a positive meaning to each day on earth, put in order what should be in their lives and their relationships with others, to guide their lives to high values, this book will provide invaluable assistance.

Indeed, by putting into practice the knowledge contained therein, it is possible to achieve freedom, to become a man of PEACE, healthy and happy every day of our earthly life.

Even more: this book could even save the lives of some.

From many testimonies of healings are available on this page:

" holistic healing, the faith healing, "Das Wort Ed Gmbh, ISBN: 3-89201-121-4, , ,

TESTIMONY: "At about 1000 books is probably the third most important book that I read in my life ..."

=> "The Elixir of Life" , Coen Van Der Kroon, Ed Youth, ISBN 2-88353-159-5. , "the bible of urinothérapie! "

My personal testimony:" A wonderful book! A must read, no matter what your health and your worries ... Taking a break one day and read it right away ...

are hundreds of books it is unquestionably one of the 10 most important books I've read ... Millions of people practice Amaroli the Urinothérapie Germany, the U.S., Cameroon and Japan ... And we French?

France must say when our highest allopathic medical instit has great power over health policy being put in prison those who pronnent too openly what kind of gentle therapy, natural and very effective ... When will we become
intelligent ... And follow our intuition ... Instead of following the corrupt politicians and their doctors ...? When? "

Comment Now! For there is no better time than NOW ...

=> " The Medical Mafia " , "How to get out alive, and find health and prosperity", 2002 edition of Guylaine Lanctot

Guylaine should know that (the author) was banned from practicing medicine in Canada, because of this book.

Testimonial: "This is a fascinating book, which not only leads us to total health, but it also helps us to realize our original sovereign"

" Amaroli 1 " ISBN 2-88058-402-7 and "Amaroli 2" ISBN 2-88058-275-X, Dr. C. Tal Schaller, Ludmilla Bardo, J Razanamahay, published "Live Soleil CH-1225 CHENE-BOURG GENEVE.

=> An extraordinary method HEALTH , totally FREE , tested successfully for thousands of years, practiced by millions of people around the world ... And almost forgotten in the West! ... This is one of the secrets of the oldest health of humanity .... A free method that allows quick exit of the disease to live in full health. ... In trying to discover a new relationship with yourself, you realize that your body contains the physician and pharmacist who are the most extraordinary! ... It is a method that has accumulated many scientific evidence of its effectiveness .... A known remedy in traditional medicine for thousands of years ... A remedy that has been the subject of hundreds of scientific publications which attest to its powerful healing properties in all diseases ...

is almost a book banned in France .. . More reason for the book


Diseases do not come by chance ... We all have things to understand ... And while we're still alive, it is possible to make "not" before ... Keep Hope! Because everything is possible ... Tell yourself that before we SPIRIT thing ...

Please Stop supporting those institutions that voluntarily keep us in ignorance, and suffering ... These politicians and administrators who lie to us and make us sick and slave!

Please do not give them your money!

Think before you vote, who represents the values of respect and honesty (the experience shows that it is often the one who is most defamed falsely representing the highest values. Just because the adversity, the prince of this world is a lie a law!)

Yours cordially
For The Welfare of All, Caroline Martin

text of the first edition of the book by Rudolf Breuss, click here