Friday, November 7, 2008

Things To Write On Engagement Ring

Super Mario Bros. (Super Nes)

Good evening everybody, "Super Mario Bros." was released in 1985 (23 years ago anyway!), Edited by Nitendo and is considered by many player as the best game of all time. The scenario is as follows: Mario must rescue Princess Peech in confronting the evil Bows st. "Super Mario Bros." was actually laid the foundations of video games, everyone knows this game and it is normal because it is simply magnificent. The strengths are (watch list is long):

> The Progressive difficulty
> The Fluidity: Yes some games lag Super NES:

> Gameplay: A 4 year old child can easily play this game

> The Music: Simply mythical
> Scenario: is the first video game that has a good script
> The Graphics
> The Real
> The lifetime (the time):

Super Mario Bros is the best selling video game of all time with 40.2 million copies sold. There is a small multi-player mode where the second player could play with Luigi. The game features 8 worlds, each world is composed of 4 sub-levels, the last in Bowser's castle. It's true the graphics were good but repetitive! The game is full of "Power Up" that allowed you to grow, then there was the mushroom, flower and star. Finally, with Super Mario Bros, IS FUN!

Graphics: 19 of 20
Lifespan: 15 of 20
Gameplay: 19 out of 20
Interest of the Game: 19.5 out of 20

Final score: 18.1 out of 20

Send your comments!

Bonus: Small parody of the game

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Feng Shui Waterfall Direction


There will soon test a game Super Nes!
To find out, by appointment very soon on TOG

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Flavor Metal Core Scoo

Richard Burns Rally

And 1 and 2, and the third test! The test today is that of "Richard Burns Rally" which is released In September 2004, not that old! Richard Burns is a former British pilot, who won the world championship rallies in 2001 and died in 2005:4 years to the day after title. Well, the game, "Richard Burns Rally" wants to be the most realistic game of all racing simulation games (rally) does not exaggerate! but this title is very honest about the possibility of setting cars that is a bit too realistic because it does there is no explanation (referring to the cars, there are only eight), for its gameplay, you really go with tact and diplomacy but the collision management is missed! Good game, we can challenge for Richard Burns on the way "Richard Burns Challenge," I 'm explains the real-time champion screenshot2 are represented by ghosts and you can try to beat them. Big Fault, It is unnecessary to online mode, but life is very decent.

Graphics: The cars are well represented but the decorations are often the kinds of images Jpeg: & # 160; ; & # 160; ; & # 160; ; 13.5 out of 20

Gameplay: As I said, collisions are sometimes whimsical but driving is very realistic: & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; & # 160; 14 of 20

Lifespan: 36 special, and several game mode, we still regret the wrong LAN and the absence of mode On-line: & # 160; & # 160; 13.5 out of 20

& # 160; Final Note: 13.7