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The Cleansing

Hello everyone!
I want this blog are also used to communicate information on herbalism.
Here is a fresh article on Cleansing. Even though spring is now tending towards the summer, it is still possible to cure the Spring often brings great benefit to our organization.
Happy reading!

Centuries ago, the Cleansing had of itself as people followed the cycles of nature in their lifestyle. The Cleansing are usually in the spring, because of course, is the time of renewal, spring cleaning, but it's time for new green shoots and bitter that cleanse the body.
The Fall cleanups are well suited to prepare for winter. It is the harvest time or you can eat plenty of root vegetables and good fresh food plucked from the garden.
Over time, our way of life in industrialized we lose this contact with the earth, with the seasons and by extension, with these periods of purges. Today, our environment is much more polluted and the food is often processed and chemically treated. The Cleansing can do the greatest good and should be done once or twice a year, naturally, as did our ancestors.
The beneficial effects of treatment are manifold. Cures can be used simply to feel lighter, to purify the body for treatment for a particular problem or even to prepare for a possible pregnancy.
Treatments can help for the following issues:
-skin problems: acne, eczema, psoriasis, cellulitis, herpes zoster
-Digestive problems: bloating, constipation, indigestion, blurring vision, nausea, diarrhea, parasites, cholesterol, hypoglycemia, obesity, ulcers
-lack of energy, fatigue
-headache, migraine
-repeated infections
-nervous disorders, insomnia
-circulatory disorders, varicose
-arthritis, osteoarthritis, muscle disorders, inflammation
etc.. ...
-Stages of detoxification
To make a complete cure, several steps are necessary. These steps can be done one after another or simultaneously. By cons, when doing the steps one after the other, we can note the different effects of cleaning and if they are connected to a particular organ. We therefore have a better idea of where the problem may come if there is one, and observe how each system reacts.
It goes without saying that if the elimination intestinal level is not adequate, detoxification can not do it properly. Therefore it is important to clean the bowel before starting treatment and ensure proper disposal throughout the cleanup. The removal is considered normal by about 1-3 bowel movements per day.
colon cleansing can begin 2-3 days before the start of treatment.
plants to clean the intestines:
-The emollient: psyllium, flax ground sheath, mallow (malva) Take plenty of water
-Laxatives: buckthorn, senna, rhubarb
1-2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil per day may be added and / or a supplement of probiotics. Daily, increasing fiber, adequate hydration and exercise, contributes to a good clean and lets have a normal bowel movement.
The liver is an organ of the most important in our body. It performs over 100 functions. It degrades the filter wastes from the blood and digestive system, it stores vitamins and minerals and manages excess hormones. It also distributes trace elements and processes sugars and lipids. With the gallbladder, the liver produces bile which acts as an antiseptic that helps eliminate viruses, bacteria and parasites. Bile also helps emulsify the fat and alkaline foods digested by the stomach.
The liver is one of the first organs to be cleaned when a cure is step by step since the bodies filters should be fit to clean the blood. The liver is the organ often the most congested. It is therefore necessary to relieve first before moving on to next steps. Many symptoms of poor digestion disappear when cleaning the liver.
plants to clean the liver: Artichoke, Boldo, gentian, blessed thistle, mountain grape, dandelion, yarrow, rosemary
The thistle is a regenerating liver cells. It is used long term to help the weary livers. It can be used for several months following a course or as needed.
The kidneys, like the liver, are the filters the blood. Therefore it is important to clean and tone during the Cleansing. The kidneys help to regulate blood pH and blood pressure. The kidneys also control the amount of water retained in the body, thus maintaining homeostasis of the organism. The liver and kidneys are involved in the activation of vitamin D.
kidney cleansing plant: nettle, dandelion, couch grass, goldenrod, horsetail, verrum cleavers, lovage, parsley, cranberry, buchu
-blood and lymph:
Blood brings nutrients throughout the body and organs. Hemoglobin carries oxygen and eliminates waste and CO2. Fungi such as candida albicans, parasites, viruses and bacteria decreases the activity of blood as they feed on it. By cleaning the blood and strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, we can therefore eliminate the invaders and effectively nourish every cell in the body.
The lymph liquid is composed almost entirely of water and circulates through the body via the lymphatic vessels. The lymph has no pump like the blood from the heart. We must move to the lymph circulation. The main role of lymph is to eliminate the body's metabolic waste. It also contains antibodies and is connected to the lymph. It therefore also immune function. It also helps regulate homeostasis.
Plants cleansing the blood and lymph: Burdock, red clover, calendula, because of the mountains, dandelion, gaillum aparine, sweet clover, nettle
-The frequency and duration of courses
Treatments can be performed by one to two Once a year, preferably the change of seasons (spring, fall) Some people make light treatments at other times of the year if the need is felt, as after the holidays.
A full course and can last for more in-depth 2 weeks to a month. At this time we will work each body separately and even make treatment following the treatment.
cures light lasts on average 10 to 20 days. We will work more often all organs at the same time or more specifically the liver and digestive system are often more mortgage than other systems.
dosages may vary depending on products used. If you using formulas designed for Cleansing bought in food stores, follow the instructions on the package or consult with the store for more information.
For herbal tea, a tablespoon of plant per cup of hot water, infuse for about 10 minutes, 2 to 4 cups per day, is the regular dose. You can start with lower doses to start and gradually increased. Some plants such as dandelion root and burdock should be prepared as a decoction. It is therefore to put the plants in a pot with water and boil water with the plants for 10 to 15 minutes. Then let sit for a few minutes, strain and drink 2 to 4 cups per day.
the diet during a course will be composed of fresh, whole, alive and preferably organic.
heavy meals, fatty foods, sugary or refined, is not recommended, and the consumption of alcohol, coffee, drinks drinks, tobacco, red meat, etc.. An alkaline diet is in order and adding green foods can help to strengthen this type of diet.
consumption of root vegetables can complement the cleansing action of plants. The fresh juice, juice of wheat grass, sprouts and the lacto-fermentation as well. Fiber intake should be increased during the cure and even everyday ..
Hydration is essential during the treatment. Consumption of a liter and a half to two liters of water pure daily should be part of the cure of detoxification. If you're not used to drinking water, start gradually. The addition of chlorophyll is an attractive option because it helps clean the blood oxygenation.
-Exercises and complementary therapies cures
Yoga, meditation, walking, massages and / or lymphatic drainage, exercises breathing, pilates, anti-exercise, all brief relaxation exercises or toning the body are very interesting additions during the Cleansing. The sessions in spas or Scandinavian baths can also be part of the program. Less stress is present during cleaning, plus the body eliminate toxins and smooth acidity created by stress. The exercise also activates the lymph, which contributes greatly to the elimination of toxins. So do not hesitate, take the opportunity to pamper yourself, relax and do good.
-Following a cure
After having a course of detoxification, it is possible to work on a particular health problem. The body clean will be more receptive to therapy. It is also possible to reinforce a particular system or the immune system in anticipation of the coming winter or just make a good dose of antioxidants to complete the cure in beauty. We can also take the opportunity to mineralize the body or with herb teas rich in minerals and trace elements or with supplements.
Taking adaptogens plants can take the cure and thus participate to strengthen, tone and modulate the body's immune system.
Some herbalists even recommend treating with plants adoptogènes to strengthen the body before cure, especially if the person is exhausting. In cases of great exhaustion, cures may strain more. It is best to prepare nourishing the body and toning the adrenal glands. Adaptogenic plants to be taken at least one or two months before the treatment, preferably accompanied by a program stress management.
-cons and side effects, indications
If the body is clogged, side effects may occur during treatment. It is not uncommon to see show symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, upset stomach or intestinal or even skin rashes or eczema or pushed acne. Some people are also more vulnerable to catching a cold. These symptoms are normal and they will disappear during treatment. As these symptoms do not cause real pain or upset, continue treatment with the recommended dosage. Otherwise, you can lower dosages and increase when the body is able to withstand cleaning.
A cure is not an opportunity to suffer or to bleed violently. Who deserves such treatment? Treat your body gently and feed him as it should, and the cure will be a pleasant thing that you will want to repeat. It is useless to be pressed. If you are not familiar to you clean, it is possible that the original treatments behave more effects certificate or must be lighter. You find your way to work with time and can go more in depth, the rhythm of your body.
Some people with chronic illnesses or problems can not cure detox. Unless we work very lightly, with monitoring by a physician and a natural health practitioner (herbalist, naturopath or homeopath)
People with heart disease, disorders of kidney failure, degenerative liver or kidney or liver should avoid Cleansing. People taking medication and want to take herbal or natural products of any kind, should consult a health practitioner, doctor or pharmacist to make sure if there are no interactions with pharmaceutical drugs and natural health products.
For any additional advice or more details, consult your herbalist!