Friday, March 4, 2011

Extreme Curves Archives

THE RAPTORS: The Rise of gas is not the fault of multinational revolutions!

households undergo unprecedented racketeering with a massive rise in gasoline prices and more generally of energy products. While the Arab peoples are struggling at the cost of their lives for democracy and social justice, Europe Jamahiriya exploits the situation to further liberalize the market Energy, intended by its sponsors and Right Socialists, and justify the increase in gasoline prices. One of his "expert" are brainwashing said: "The bills reflect the evolution of world prices and the trend is increasing due to the high volatility in the Arab world. "It is shameful and wrong: the Libya covers only 2% of world supplies! And speculation and super profits, it does not exist? Total profits rose 25% last year and amounted to 10 billion euros, of which 5 billion will be paid to shareholders. Thank you for them!
1 / In these countries, people have confiscated their national wealth by both dictators and multinational corporations.
2/The rising energy prices due to speculation and profit preempted by the majors.
3 / The oil taxation in France and Europe is punitive to families so that gifts breaks to businesses and large fortunes multiply.
One more reason to punish, March 20, this power more conscious of the privileges of the band Fouquet's that the public interest by voting for Sofia Dauvergne and his deputy Jean-Claude Mamet .
Gas Prices: The Libya has "broad back"
After successive increases in gas prices (+20%) and electricity (6%) over the last 12 months, the liter unleaded gasoline reached an average of € 1.49 today. The media attribute cause to events in Libya. However, it covers only 2% of world supply. Especially, the increases in oil prices have started much earlier, in association with the falling dollar, a tremendous speculation encouraged by the monetary policy of the United States, deregulation of markets subject to the thirst for majors and financial profitability of banks . In addition, the oil tax, punitive to families, as European states do not want to alleviate, to capture a portion of oil revenues to reduce the deficits widening their huge support for large capital. But this is ignored and is preferred make the oil responsible for all the difficulties, while the increase of its courses only increases the phase of exacerbation of the crisis with policies implemented since the service of the dominance of financial markets. It is preferable to the single account of events in Libya increases which, however, are mainly caused by speculation and the unwillingness of leaders OECD to hire an energy revolution.
users and people = money pumps. In reality, these events are an opportunity:
1/For government is rising with each additional revenues from VAT and does not touch the wealth of the TIPP (58% of the price of gasoline)
2/Pour speculators whose every wide variation in prices is an opportunity to make money
3/Pour the oil companies like Total, which has announced it will provide $ 5 billion in dividends on its profits in 2010.Des proposals to change the logic.
Racket households in France, misery of people in the South, grabbing the oil rent by groups, speculators, and family in the producing countries is that capitalist economic order that shake people's movements today . A conference World Energy, which should be considered a common good, would be necessary. In the immediate future, the government must take urgent measures: - by establishing a maximum price at pump - in deciding the decrease of 5% of the TIPP on petroleum products - by adopting a plan urgency to develop public transport - funding these measures by a tax on oil company profits.

How Does A Vigana Look

TFR: a sham debate for turning France into a tax haven for large fortunes

How turning France into a tax haven for wealthy families? It is the exercise which aims to engage the government by staging a mock debate between two scenarios dilution-extinction of the ISF. The string is large: the government would recover the protest against the scandalous tax shield to allow the removal of the ISF. This is even more unacceptable that the measures being considered to offset the 3.4 billion euros - in the worst case scenario - are vague and could open the door to massive fraud in the context of declining resources tax administration. The operation is in crisis and indecent while 8 million workers now earn less than 950 euros per month! The tax shield should indeed be deleted and the ISF major reform primarily to increase the levy on financial fortunes thrive against the interests of the vast majority of French men and women.
Peter Lawrence, national secretary of the PCF

March 20, we have the opportunity to oppose this policy to only serve the wealthy and punish severely. To give a good left to right, it should break with the liberal loigiques. In Romainville, is voting for Sofia who Dauvergne permits.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pleurisy How Long Do It Last

"Masquerade," the editorial Maurice Ulrich in "humanity" that day

today's visit by Nicolas Sarkozy in Le Puy-en-Velay to salute "the historic legacy" of France is a sham and a provocation. A farce, because it is a pretext completely out of step with the real problems of France and French people today. A farce, because it is staged and that the choice of the city, as the program of President's visit, the cathedral, baptistery and the cloister are all signals to several days of debate villain that UMP plans to launch as soon as April 5, on secularism, in reality about Islam. Remember a tourist point of view that the city of Le Puy, very pleasant after all, dominated by a giant statue the Virgin and thus, by this great and very beautiful volcanic stone cathedral, is a stop on the way to Saint Jacques de Compostela, which does not deserve any comment if, precisely, the president had not chosen make of the decor of the room that he intends to play. And that is provocative. The instrumentalization of a city, its people and, yes, religion itself targets for politicians.
The general meaning of his visit, however, will be greeted by a demonstration this morning unions and left formations, is nonetheless clear. This is in line its various policy initiatives of the year and his speech on Sunday to oppose the real France and his alleged Christian roots to anything that threatens it. A foreign offender, Roma, multiculturalism, migration due to revolutions and all that, overall, summarized in Islam. It is despicable to the point that some right has felt obliged to be alert to some concern. And François Fillon. "If this discussion should lead to stigmatize France's Muslims, I would oppose it." If he should. Nice use of the conditional as a way to pose as a safeguard in a sort of division of roles. E t during this time, the UMP, who received last night as a "dear friend," said Herve Novelli, braid laurels Eric Zemmour, convicted for his racist remarks. Which is always invited in at least remains an issue of public service. Why?
polls are falling. The presidential speech does more the resolute and fizzled out of credit, the voice of France, despite the shrugs and stabs his chin, has only weaken, unemployment is rising, the purchasing power is declining, profits waltz, no promises of the former candidate was held unless and this is certainly not a detail, the tax shield and now the likely removal of tax on capital. Make no mistake about it though. All this does not necessarily lead the French to turn to the left in general, nor to a PS awaiting Messiah. It's even on the confusion created by this policy that the National Front to prosper by tinting his speech and social republicanism, while cultivating the land of fatty xenophobia, racism, exclusion. These lands right Nicolas Sarkozy him fight, as the only way now to win in 2012.
Should wait? Nothing could be more dangerous. Now that all those who recognize themselves in a France humanist, secular, republican, social progress and justice can say "it sufffit" and the debate starts to rebuild.
Maurice Ulrich.

"Without waiting for 2012, as some invite us, we can say" enough "from March 20 next, during the local elections. In Romainville oppose effectively to dangerous liaison: FN-UMP is a vote Sofia DAUVERGNE.

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Deny hunting scapegoats!

UMP continues to bog down. Thus, we learn from the voice of Jean-François Cope that the great debate that is imposed by the President of the Republic "is not a debate about Islam," but "a debate on secularism and how to build an Islam of France". In short, it what we thought: it is the return of the debate on identity smoky nationale.Mais the presidential party in its new amalgam, is now more precise pointing the finger at musulmans.Nous call men and women of our country refuse to hunt for scapegoats. For the first threat to the Republican pact, it has Nicolas Sarkozy himself. Since he was elected, he spent his time to divide, to stigmatize, to inveigh. Secularism is the art of living together is the equality of rights, independence of the state. All principles undermined by its policy of destruction in the service of a few. The maneuvers foul of the UMP will not prevent the debate on the necessary alternative to the politics of the right which the French law.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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It is urgent to raise the requirements for employment and training

A statement Hervé Bramy, departmental secretary of the PCF 93.
"On Tuesday March 1, the president has once again moved in Seine-Saint-Denis. Fortunately this time, it was more of a Kärcher cleaning the inhabitants of a city popular but value of the hundreds of young apprentices Campus Crafts Bobigny.
This initiative is consistent with previous presidential speeches learning as an effective alternative to youth unemployment.
We challenge this unilateral approach. It For this reason with trade unionists from the local union CGT, FSU county, elected communist Bobigny and the General Council, we expressed this morning at the arrival of Nicolas Sarkozy.
noted at the outset of the ridiculous disproportion of executive policing of this event - fairly limited number of participants -. Ridiculous reinforced by the intransigence of the police hierarchy to break the repressive cord after two good hours of negotiations and multiple interventions communist parliamentarians [including Marie George Buffet and Elaine Assassi] with the Prefect that Lambert frees us from the sidewalk on which we were held. We had no intention to attempt the presidential motorcade but remember our dissatisfaction with government policy and contribute to the popularization of our proposals.
But that is not essential.
Where learning is at the heart of the presidential speech and whether it represents a real area of training and integration to employment, so far all is not rosy. The dearth of patrons likely to engage with young people is terribly lacking. So since it opened a year ago, the number of apprentices Campus Trades in Bobigny than just half its capacity.
Given the dramatic rise in the number of unemployed and precarious (at the same time the CGT held 93 press conference on the subject) it is urgent to raise the level of requirements and content solutions so that the revives hope for thousands of our citizens and youth in particular.
Some of the proposals that we carry in the debate cantonal elections:
1 Qualifier!
We propose that with the Ile-de-France and the state is implemented a development plan for the qualification Seine Saint-Denis. This plan could be based on four types of activities: • Development of new training for new jobs matching (skilled services to businesses, eco-activities; Air, image) • actions for a selected orientation, • Development complementary actions (upgrades, preparations) for carrier access to training, • social support and professional.
2 ° Focusing our efforts on creating sustainable jobs
We carry the requirement of establishing a regional fund for development of employment which they can modulate regional aid to firms with criteria of sustainable employment, training and environmental compliance. In the specific policies of the General Council, these criteria will be at work, including actions for the development of activities in sectors that create employment and competitiveness clusters. The aim will be to strengthen the productive potential of our department and encourage the emergence of new production capacities in sectors of the economy green. The cooperative sector and its thousands of employees (Social Economy and Solidarity) develop projects that meet social needs, without putting the profit in the heart of its business. A development plan for the ESS will be built with local and regional actors. 3 °
Utilities, employees, elected officials, businesses: mobilizing all energies!
We propose the realization of Assisi for a new mode of inclusive and sustainable development that needs to mobilize all energies: companies active in the Seine Saint-Denis local elected officials and unions, the state in the Ile -de-France.
4 Employment is also public employment! The
Seine-Saint-Denis, as the whole country suffers from RGPP imposed on the Public Service by the government, RGPP has already resulted in the removal of hundreds of thousands of jobs ... and the sharp deterioration of service to the public. We propose to declare an emergency plan for the development of public services including the General Council.
5 ° Securing professional careers and a guaranteed income from all
end it is a redirection of money that there is need in this country and Europe. 80 billion in profits by companies in the CAC40 index are all ways that could serve to raise the living standards of French, to help struggling small businesses.
Communists are clearly committed to a secure career paths and training for a real public pole banking engine for economic recovery and industrial development based on the employment and training opportunities.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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A forgery more!

"A forgery more." We publish this reaction of former members of "The sapling Romainvilloise. " After the sale of the pond VAILLY by the city, members of Gaul Romainvilloise have unanimously decided to dissolve their partnership. It was obvious to all those and all those who knew that our association was linked with the property that was one of the city and its statutes were designed based on this reality and that its continuation would have done in the most total illegality. The majority of elected municipal knew it too. But to try to pass the pill and a possible channeling discontent, we invented a subterfuge. That an agreement between the city and the owner, to allow members of Gaul Romainvilloise power continue to fish. This is where the deception lies. By reading this agreement, the members were first discovered that the convention could "be terminated forthwith by the city," and that "preserving the owner of the land use (which seemed like the obvious) could decide not authorize the practice of fishing for repairs. " However, before the dissolution of their partnership, the members were careful to appoint three of them to discuss with the city and the owner, the conditions under which they could continue to fish. Not a chance, the former president of our association has received a letter informing him that the city had decided to terminate the agreement, since "Gaul Romainvilloise" no longer existed. And there you go. Except that the people of our city should know that this famous convention contained another clause. We quote Article II-a: "Two events per year will be reserved for inhabitants of the city. The municipal services will have to set the dates with the owner at least three months in advance. Thus, denouncing the Convention, elected by the majority once again turn their backs on their own commitments. More pond, more association of more outlets and no agreement, either. We therefore ask a simple question. This agreement was approved by the council, how can it be terminated without the latter is again seized? And then, this nod to finish. The announcement of the termination of the "convention" to our President was accompanied by another letter. It was signed by Mr. First Deputy Mayor and invited "The Gaul Romainvilloise" to attend a meeting to prepare the feast of the town. Our association was dissolved on February 5. No comment. "
Former members of" Gaul Romainvilloise "