Friday, October 29, 2010

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Ginseng and Co.

Informative document very interesting, here .....

by Jean-Yves Dionne, BSc Pharm.

Know the difference between the true ginseng, Siberian ginseng, dong quai, suma (Brazilian ginseng) and Maca (Peruvian Ginseng).

Our high-tech company urges us to live at very high speed. Whether to exceed the expectations of their environment or simply to get to the end of the day, many people are looking tonic par excellence. However, be careful not to use the best tonic for burning the candle at both ends. A tonic, whatever can help us to regain our energy, but it can also lead us to exhaustion. This is the case of stimulants such as coffee, nicotine and cocaine. The latter, to varying degrees, draining our reserves and reduce our fatigue, leading us to a deeper exhaustion and possibly a "burnout". It is therefore important to design tools such as tonic against fatigue during use and in concert with other means such as rest, massage, etc.. When our body screams to stop, he must listen. Good! easier said than done! Me first, I should listen to my advice ...

look all the same class of energy plants: the ginseng. The word ginseng mean "essence of the earth in human form." The radical "seng" means all fleshy roots used as tonics. Many roots to the tonic are wrongly or rightly, the name ginseng. In fact, only those of the family are true panax ginseng.

of ginseng is said they are adaptogens. But what do they eat in winter, an adaptogen? This concept has been defined in Russia by Dr. NV Lazarev. It is a substance that increases the adaptability of the human non-specifically. Dr. Lazarev was developed three criteria for classifying a substance as an adaptogen. It must:

1. Cause minimal changes in biological functions.

2. Increase the body's resistance of non-specifically against various aggressors.

3. Have a normalizing effect improving many conditions or statements and does not aggravate.

An adaptogen therefore helps the body fight against stress in a holistic way. It increases the ability to adapt in all circumstances. That said, let's review the various "ginseng" and their specific properties.

Real ginsengs:

0. Panax ginseng CA Meyer (Asian ginseng spp and when steamed ginseng red of Korea).

0. Panax quinquefolium (American ginseng or Canadian).

The ginseng that are not:

0. Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian ginseng).

0. Angelica polymorpha sinensis (dong quai and ginseng for women).

0. Pfaffia paniculata (suma ginseng or Brazil).

0. Lepdium meyenii (maca or Peruvian ginseng).

All these herbs have adaptogenic and stimulating properties, but their characteristics are very different.

Panax ginseng CA Meyer and Panax quinquefolium

These are the only true ginseng. They have similar qualities but for the Chinese, their indications are different. Chinese ginseng (Panax ginseng) has a more "warm" than the American (P. quinquefolium). The concept of heat of the Chinese is very difficult to translate into Western terms. You could probably relate this heat to a hormonal effect. For example, in Chinese tradition, Chinese ginseng is not recommended for adolescents because that could increase the "heat" of their temperament. We all know the effects of the explosive character of our youth. Likewise, the ginseng is not recommended for all women, one of its side effects is to make the breasts painful for some.

According to Chinese tradition, none of these cons-indications would apply to American ginseng, which is considered more cold and less aggravating. Maybe TCM knows something we do not know ...

Korean red ginseng comes from the same plant as Chinese ginseng, unless it is steamed in a process traditional. This would give more heat treatment with ginseng, making it a stronger stimulus. Again, we note the difference between Chinese and Western thought since our studies do not see any difference between the two types of preparations.

known active molecules of ginseng are ginsenosides (saponins family) that have stimulating effects and some hormone-like effects. For those interested, I refer you to a book of the series "The wonders of Chinese medicine" of Dr. Rejean Daigneault, University of Montreal: A tonic for the vital energy, ginseng. This little book is very comprehensive and well referenced.

The dosage varies according to need. In people who have a vital energy is very low (very tired people, the elderly and convalescent), it is recommended to start slowly. In Chinese medicine, it speaks of 3 to 9 grams of root per day. Marie Provost, renowned herbalist and founder of Quebec's La Clef des Champs herbalist, recommends 1-3 capsules of 350 mg daily dose of maintenance and up to 4 capsules every 4 hours during acute. A commercial preparation (Ginsana) conducted a sample concentrated standardized rate called ginsenosides G115 suggests a dosage of 200 mg per day.

recognized side effects of ginseng vary depending on the dose and are extremely rare at recommended doses. There is talk of agitation, nervousness, insomnia, and sometimes increase blood pressure.

Eleutherococcus senticosus

Siberian ginseng, the Ginseng family, is a close relative of ginseng. Its active ingredients are called eleutherosides (pretty obvious). It is also found in Chinese medicine, but it is the Russians who have studied it thoroughly, hence the name Siberian ginseng. Ginseng is an adaptogen that literally. Its stimulating effect is less important than Chinese ginseng, but its effect on endurance and resistance to stress is remarkable. As it is less "hot" as panax, it is entirely appropriate for women. Side effects are almost nonexistent. According to sources, the dosage is between 500 mg and l0 g per day.

Angelica polymorpha sinensis

dong quai, ginseng or women, is not related to ginseng. It has an antispasmodic effect and vasodilator well documented. This effect is very interesting for painful menstrual cramps and can also provide some relief in cases of hot flashes of menopause. In Chinese medicine, dong quai is recognized as a tonic for the blood and spleen. For us Westerners, this means it will have a positive effect in some cases of anemia. One of its active principles, osthole, a stimulant known. Dong quai can help reduce fatigue. The dosage varies between 3 and 12 g of fresh root per day.

Pfaffia paniculata

The suma ginseng or Brazil is a plant of the Amazon also has stimulant and adaptogenic. Its active principles, like those of ginseng are saponins. Suma have some anabolic effect, that is to say it would increase muscle mass. Amazonian traditional medicine recognizes him all kinds of virtues: from a tonic for the nervous and cardiac treatment to sexual and hormonal problems, to treat stomach problems and rheumatism. Here in North America, he recognizes tonic, adaptogenic and regenerative. The dosage ranges from 500 mg of dried root 2 times per day to 500 mg per 40 pounds of body weight divided into 2 doses per day.

Lepdium meyenii

Maca is part of the family of potato and tomato: Solanaceae. The documentation is rather poor about it. It has indisputable nutritional virtues, particularly for poor regions, where it originated. It is used as food for both humans and animals. In the latter, it increases the reproductive capacity significantly. It contains as saponins that confer energizing effects. The ideal dosage is not described. Usually, there are 500 mg capsules on the market. Since this first of a food, the dosage can be very variable.

One last important detail for all these herbal products "exotic", it is important to check the quality. A U.S. study done by the Colgan Institute has analyzed 80 ginseng products. More than half contained no or very little of ginsenosides. This demonstrates that a name on a label does not guarantee that you will get the expected benefits. As Canadian law on natural products will not be consolidated and that no competent body will oversee the natural products industry, it will rely on the reputation of a company and its good manufacturing practices.


Blumenthal et al., 1998, The Complete German Commission E Monographs, American Botanical Council ed., USA. DerMarderosian et al., 1999, The Review of Natural Products, Facts and Comparison, Group Publishing, USA. William and Mach-Chieu, 1987 Pharmacopoeia and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Publishing DĂ©sIris, France. Mr. Provost, 1995, Notes on medicinal plants, truancy ed. Qc

Sunday, September 12, 2010

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I suggest you discover the series "The Music Industry Exposed" in high definition, performed by Farhank on behind the scenes of the music industry. A series that will teach you more about the symbolism, mysticism and the meaning of words and video clips of some large commercial songs. You will also learn + throughout on some artists in this industry and their links with the occult Illuminati.

sent Cl4VieFrere2010 . - More videos from bloggers.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

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There are several countries that are involved in this project: Europe, the United States and Russia are the biggest contributors, many of the allied nations and UN members participate in one way or another. The material (chemical spraying) comes from all these countries!

sent by 18Production . - Watch videos of stars on the web.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tenting Of Left Diaphragm


Chemtrails (chemical contrails): First things first!

We can not say exactly when the chemtrails started, but we can certainly say that the idea of spreading a substance in flight is as old as the airplane itself. One can think, for example spraying of herbicides and insecticides, as well as famous threats post-September 11 anthrax spill using such devices. It is also the noblest of causes, such as control of fires by aircraft type CL-215.

But military organizations in the world have also thought long and to such spraying operations, and all sorts of purposes ...

In the case of chemtrails, we could probably talk about two "types", or series of events marking the beginning:

1 - The first "test" military spreading toxic chemicals from aircraft on limited areas. For example, in 1953, one of the first series of tests was conducted on residents of the city of Winnipeg. 36 different tests are performed in total, while U.S. officials, CIA head, leaders lie to Canadians about the true nature of the tests. The aim of the operation was to determine what proportion of the population it is possible to impose chemically cancer.

Jurisdictions finally had to admit, long after the events, such tests have indeed taken place.

2 - The claim by individuals that a broader program of wide spread globally exists. This controversy began (approximately) in 1995 when more and more people began to notice signs in the sky that were not, according to them, traces of condensation common.

officials deny any ... but for how long?

Initially we did not produce a page on chemtrails. Some translations of relevant texts to inform, but not of composition on the subject.

First, because there are already many websites presenting sufficient evidence to support the thesis, but first and foremost because anyone who speaks on this subject puts his credibility into question. Our site covers various topics, some so-called "conspiracy" and that it seemed to add our comments on this disturbing phenomenon we definitely classify as "bizarre" or what else. Try it yourself by talking about chemtrails to your friends, and you will see, with the general population, the idea that had been dropping chemicals with the approval of the powers that be seem quite paranoid, crazy, impossible.

It is not.

And so we finally added this page.

The wide array of increasingly impressive evidence (for anyone who would see them) and the presence of more harmful traces themselves (we have observed and photographed in various regions of Quebec), we are come the conclusion that a vast global program of chemical spraying could exist and that humans would be a major target.

must react, and quickly.

whole argument of researchers on the subject of chemtrails, as well as the rhetoric of government officials revolves around this issue: Is it really spreading harmful programs, or could he do s act as condensation forms which, due to weather factors, the increase in air traffic, or components of chemical fuel, leave traces that are more visible than before? Some

think they know the ultimate answer, and most are surprisingly confident that those who view the phenomenon is "normal" and due to our easy to use for propulsion. People supporting the theory of "chemtrails" are now ridiculed by meteorologists and other specialists, and in recent months dozens of pages explaining the very naturalness of the white streaks are persistent questions about newly emerging internet.

... And yet ...

Do our word, it would be a relief to learn that all this is in fact normal, and we would accept without problem if the proof was made beyond a reasonable doubt.

If the crusade against chemtrails stops on this discovery, we (the community involved in the termination of the phenomenon) at least raised awareness of pollution from the air propulsion and air traffic, which in itself very harmful to the environment. And we all go back home, laughing and hoping a new method of propulsion.

That would truly happy.

But some press shy of U.S. agencies already known for their unreliability, and reports from some scientists Pro-government can not counterbalance the evidence and testimony that accumulates a growing part of the population that observes and is affected.

If there are no such operations in aerosol sprays, now called "chemtrails", then we will shed light in the media, and government officials (Quebecers, Canadians, Americans, etc. .) stated publicly that no such thing takes place, and we prove it.

History has shown that too often unanswered questions hiding incredible truths, and that world governments do not care about people when you win to do.

And obviously here, there seems to be much at stake ..

We Will All Of Chemtrails Creuver PART 1 unpublished
sent Cl4VieFrere2010 . - Meet more personalities on the web.

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Chemtrails EVIDENCE UNSEEN! Part 2

We Will All Of Chemtrails Creuver PART 2 unpublished
sent Cl4VieFrere2010 . - Meet more personalities on the web.

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Chemtrails EVIDENCE UNSEEN! Part 3

We Will All Of Chemtrails Creuver PART 3 unpublished
sent Cl4VieFrere2010 . - More videos from bloggers.

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Chemtrails EVIDENCE UNSEEN! Part 4

We Will All Of Chemtrails Creuver PART 4 Unpublished
sent Cl4VieFrere2010 . - Meet more personalities on the web.

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Chemtrails EVIDENCE UNSEEN! Part 5

We Will All Of Chemtrails Creuver PART 5 unpublished
sent Cl4VieFrere2010 . - Meet more personalities on the web.

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Chemtrails EVIDENCE UNSEEN! Part 6

We Will All Of Chemtrails Creuver PART 6 unpublished
sent Cl4VieFrere2010 . - Watch the latest videos of news.

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Chemtrails EVIDENCE UNSEEN! Part 7

We Will All Of Chemtrails Creuver PART 7 Unpublished
sent Cl4VieFrere2010 . - The Info Live Video.

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Chemtrails EVIDENCE UNSEEN! Part 8

We Will All Of Chemtrails Creuver PART 8 unpublished
sent by Cl4VieFrere2010 . - Birthday, wedding, first steps on video.

Tenting Ofleft Diaphragm

Chemtrails EVIDENCE UNSEEN! Part 9 of the Codex Alimentarius

We Will All Of Chemtrails Creuver PART 9 unpublished
sent Cl4VieFrere2010 . - Future winners of the Sundance.

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offensive on TV, amazing!

all is said, contrary to their habits or the word debate hides nothing else than propaganda brutal, often converging opinions (I do not even mention Iran), this time You will see it is clear and clean, the guest knows whereof she speaks (administrator of the agency bio) and the result is clear, organic is much better, no chemistry and double concentration of anti-oxidant, the idiot across the way still dared to say that the chemicals have no adverse impact on populations.

offensive codex alimentarius on TV, unbelievable,
sent fonzibrain . - Watch the latest videos of news.

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Natural products banned by the Codex Alimentarius Codex Alimentarius

The Codex Alimentarius is a joint program of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO).
"Codex activities are increasingly seen by proponents of natural health as one of the greatest threats to future access to supplements of vitamins and trace elements used in natural therapies. "
http://lesogres .org/article.php3? id_article = 558
http://www.dailymotion .com/video/x679nq_codex-alimentarius-3-mllrds-de-mort_news

Natural products banned by the Codex Alimentarius
sent Antipenseunique . - Watch the latest videos of news.

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and sulfur dioxide SO2

the conclusion is simple, I am convinced today that the people who run our
society gather to learn how to weaken most humans without killing them, so they are
living dead, docile and sick time ...
about Pierre Hillard, when I say "to learn a little more" is a catchphrase ...
I should have said "to understand the direction of globalism"

the examples given here are representative
drops of water from the ocean of wickedness in which we bathe purposely
Mr and Mrs and daughter Hydridesulfheureux Anne advise you to sign and express to you about:
-referendum on Europe, to stop all that and give them the wire twisting:

Codex Alimentarius and sulfur dioxide SO2
sent RegisDanse . - The Info Live Video.

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How to keep healthy foods - Codex Alimentarius The Ordre Moisi

Codex Alimentarius threatening health freedom

A new European Union directive must be implemented on 31 December this year.
This is a "Codex Alimentarius" which substantially limits the permitted substances in the field of alternative medicines and dietary supplements, although the directive was passed.

This would mean that for the remedies that we buy today (Homeopathy, Bach Flowers, SchlĂĽssler salts, minerals and vitamins) the number of active substances would be so limited that these drugs lose their effectiveness. Worse yet these drugs could disappear from the market because they would not have been authorized for sale due to new criteria for placing on the market extremely restrictive.

This information is especially alarming that mean to all of us the end of therapy and also the end of all trades that use these substances (naturopaths, herbalists, homeopaths, herbalists and laboratories producing these medicines).

In Britain the "Health Stores" as "boots" are campaigning across the country asking customers to lobby their MPs to halt the passage of this directive. The subject is discussed formally and publicly. Unfortunately the media in France and Germany have very little or not publish this information for us all.

Note also that countries that have initiated this new Directive are Italy, Germany ... and France.

if you find after the attack (in French) the English site of "Consumers for Health Choice," which has set up a European petition.

This site offers to sign a petition but also to write to your MP in Brussels. Such a directive

inspired by the lobbies of the pharmaceutical industry, minimize the marketing of natural remedies for the benefit of allopathic medicines.

Thank you for your attention and hope that many of you will sign this petition. Thank you to know that information to your entourage!

Barbara Thielmann Association "Die Alternative"

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Codex Alimentarius

Conference Rima E. Laibow (physician and neurologist) on Codex Alimentarius. Rima E. Laibow made a mistake in this conference, the date of 31/12/2009 nothing special, as the Codex Alimentarius guidelines are implemented in a phased manner in the WTO, for the rest there is little error, except that the figure of 3 billion deaths is quite exaggerated.

may be consulted for more details:

To go further:

1 / Circulate a link to this movie
2 / Throw away your TV and radio
3 / Stop funding the destruction: eat local, regional, French.
4 / Stop being a spectator, become an agent of change ...

Order Moisi Codex Alimentarius
sent NosLibertes . - Current time video.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

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Grey matter

The brain

Body mysterious and irreplaceable, the brain does not leave easily decode. It has been studied from all angles, and we still can not understand it really. It is the centerpiece of our being, almost all parts of our bodies work under him. But if we interpret his language, science still does not know what motivates him sometimes to be silent or to give commands uncontrolled

Gray matter RTBF 151,107
sent security pool. - The Info Live Video.

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My body thanks to the brain that hero!


BRAIN The brain is an area still full of puzzles ... Especially for scientists who work on the subject have little memory! For over a century of outstanding researchers as Brodmann have made great discoveries, but it seems that every time the checheurs "forget" what their predecessors have found it! It's pretty funny ...
quite renowned as a scientist Jean-Pierre Changeux argues that any is located in neurons. Okay, I admit, but nobody has ever observed how a thought could be worked into a cell! What surprises me is the obstinacy of the researcher wanting to resolutely "cram" human phenomena in the biological ... It is very restrictive as design rights. I would say it is a sectarian attitude in the sense that we try to confine the human in a sectoring.
For the field research on the brain, work DEGLIN were also "forgotten".
Finally, the books on the subject are rare, and the general public is very ignorant of brain function. We all have a brain, and we do not know how it works! It's really a shame! We are experiencing the brain, without realizing all the operations it performs! I would like to know better, and how, somehow, the partner helping me know myself.
There is also the book by Dominique Aubier's specialist on the subject: "The Far Side of the Brain." I read an article in the magazine "Pour la Science" (American Scientific). This is the most advanced book on the matter on brain structure and laws of the human brain. It is a rare book, quite hard, but it remains the most advanced on the issue. More It contains documentation and a bibliography precise

2x4 my body what the brain heroes #
sent grandeetoile . - Watch more videos science.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

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ALCOHOL = HARD DRUGS. Effects and Risks.

Here are the different effects of alcohol in the short, medium and long term

Effect on the reactions of a person, the more you drink, the more the reaction time increases.
Heart rate and blood pressure: a small quantity consumption Alcohol increases the heart rate and pressure.
effect on the kidneys during a drinking, urinating much more often in general.
effect on the stomach, the various walls of the stomach may experience inflammation or bleeding, and so the drinker can experience nausea.
effect on the skin: the body loses heat.
Effect on trial, alcohol, consumed even in small amounts, reduces the ability to make decisions.
effect on coordination, alcohol affects physical coordination.
effects of alcohol on the liver alcohol induced three types of effects on the liver, hepatitis, steatosis and cirrhosis. And alcohol intake leads to pancreatic inflammation and pancreatic destruction.

Alcohol may also reduce the effectiveness or impede the elimination of certain drugs. Also, people taking drugs they should refrain from drinking alcohol or speak with their doctor.

What happens there in the body when you drink alcohol? What are the physical and mental effects? What are the physical damage that may result?
It is important to make their disposal as much information on the effects and risks associated with alcohol consumption. Young people can then understand why they must be very careful when consuming alcohol.

Alcohol passes directly from the gut to the blood vessels. Within minutes, the blood carries to all parts of the body, including the brain and has an effect, immediate or longer or shorter term on the nervous system.

Remember, driving is that which leads one who does not drink.

Monday, August 23, 2010

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13/08/2010 - Perpignan formation flying spheres

08/13/2010 - Perpignan formation flying spheres

Friday, August 13, 2010 at 8:06 p.m., Cyril, who lives in Perpignan on the 5th floor of a building noted for 3 minutes a formation flight spheres of silver-gray preceded by two red spheres. Cyril's apartment located opposite the Corbières, offers a 180 ° panorama. He first became intrigued by a ring-shaped cloud unfinished floating above the mines Vingrau. Just above the ring, he noticed two red spheres followed by 8 silver-gray spheres. Quickly, he takes his little camera Digital Compact and attempts to photograph the training that approached him in a North-West South-East. Very average quality photos can not clearly distinguish the gray spheres but the two red spheres taken almost directly above his apartment's very visible.

The witness said:

I was attracted by a half circle that formed huge clouds in the sky at the Horizon. Then all of a sudden I saw objects: two groups of objects in training I took for Canadair. It is when they are approached I singled out a group higher in high altitude areas of silvery white in number from eight to ten. Then lower, as the forefront, two red objects tend to deform as soft balls but were moving perfectly in line and who have crossed at some point as a sort of amusement at the image of two butterflies intertwined. I could also distinguish a yellow for these two objects. The most intriguing is how they are distorted into an oval and round, it looked like the wings of paragliders deformable at constant speed, whose passage over the department in my observation, lasted approximately three minutes, because they have practically flown over my building and I could continue to watch despite my running downhill on the other side of the building. I shared one of my neighbors who was downstairs, he saw nothing. These objects were not noise, they did not emit light associated with their principal masses, the other group seemed to be much higher than reflected by the sun already setting in a reflective silver and white ball.
inquiry, there was no traffic that can explain this observation. The group of spheres crossed the plain about 400 km / h according to our estimates. Observation of similar

night five days earlier, August 8, 2010 by two groups of witnesses located in two different places separated 5 km

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Mobile phone, children in danger 1.2 By Jimay

Special Envoy

Survey: Mobile Phone, children at risk?

In 15 years of existence, the mobile phone has invaded our lives: 53 million French were fitted late 2007 and among them, a growing number of young people.
recent phenomenon, the mobile equipment starts now entering average in sixth, and soon high school, they are more than 90% to be addicted! Models specially designed for toddlers are even beginning to emerge ... A trend toward younger market that was not lost on manufacturers and mobile operators.
Meanwhile, the arrival of this technology has caused controversy over its effects on health: the warning signs are multiplying for several years, while the official expert finds a lack of danger in the state current knowledge.
We therefore sought to know more: the use of increasingly Early mobile phone is it safe for the health of our children? Who carries out health impact studies? What is the role played by industries?

Mobile phone, children in danger 1.2 By Jimay
sent dingue2doc . - More videos from bloggers.

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danger / "\\ = cancer cell phone daily

mobile phones (GSM) are extremely dangerous for your health!!

is proved by leading scholars around the world!

children in particular must be protected!!


danger / "\\ = cancer cell phone
sent ; by road0008 . - Watch more videos science.

Swollen Tongue Kidneys

Danger! fluoride toothpaste etc ... FLUOR

daily Danger! fluoride toothpaste etc. ...
sent lereflechisseur . - Watch the latest videos of news.

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great danger!

Working on Fluorine and infants



If one believes the WHO statistics, fluorine, contrary to popular belief would not be helpful in preventing dental caries, even worse, it is dangerous to health. Nevertheless, it should be noted that fluoride toothpastes are less dangerous than believed, Fluor is because the highly volatile and after a few minutes of opening the tube, there is any more of fluoride in toothpaste.

Again and again contre__________

by Dr. Alain Scohy

his misdeeds: He works deep
promoting scoliosis, hyper laxity of ligaments, accelerated degeneration of the body. All
chronic poisoning with fluorine generate deep psychological problems - especially with the loss of free will - up to madness, especially if the poisoning takes place during growth.

Some factories in France have been forced to close because of this type of harm on the surrounding population. It is recognized toxic in drinking water and must not exceed a certain threshold it is considered safe.


It would help prevent tooth decay?

is false and completely untrue! The statistical tables provided by the WHO showed a slight decrease in the number of caries
the first year and an increase well above the normal rates and then ...
But the name of the sacrosanct medical standardization, all physicians France prescribed routinely to all
children, even when water consumption is usually already too rich in fluorine. Moreover, the State Orchestra
systematic supplementation of fluoride in milk, salt, toothpaste, and many other products!


It was Hitler who was the first to research this gas in order to enslave the populations of countries conquered by the demeaning, and accentuating the natural mechanisms of degeneration .. To make zombies docile and stupid, strengthen its racial theory and reduce their fertility (sterility rats supplemented fluorine after 3 or 4 generations). This is mentioned in the report of the Nuremberg trials!

Why this blind prescription, standard, contrary to common sense and even to statistics published by WHO?

There certainly fashionable, competition between pediatricians and general practitioners, the tendency to quackery and ease. And there are probably other causes much less respectable below ... Covered with eugenics and control of world overpopulation. It is regrettable that once again (1), these are the doctors who take care of the dirty work! Dr. Alain

Scohy - 7 rte de St MĂ©diers, 30700 - MONTAREN

Some parameters in the water are harmful to humans such as nitrates, lead, fluorine, viruses
and bacteria, pesticides or agrochemicals. Following on the site outside

___________________________ For those who have time and for scientific research - doctors or other specialists in this environment - help ...!!!


A site visit absolutely - for those who already know here is another reality of the evils of drug companies.



This anarchy of the immune system is supported by:
- toxic factors of the environment,
- fluoride used in toothpaste and drinking water,
- silver amalgam fillings ,
- aluminum in deodorants, cooking equipment, and one that is used as an additive in table salt, etc. ... (See page aluminum Chemtrails)
Abuse of vaccines and sera probably also plays a role.
___________________________ Superb
of crap, everything is said - it's all true - an example:
Zymafluor ® sodium fluoride


The suggested dose must not be exceeded, dental fluorosis can occur after continuous ingestion of large quantities of fluorine

Before prescribing this drug, you must:
- Ensure that the patient does not receive other sources of fluoride, especially drinking water. It is good to inquire at the town hall or from
DDASS of its fluorine content.
- Check teeth regularly to verify the absence of development of fluorosis.

Zymafluor-cons ® is not indicated during pregnancy and lactation. The first trimester of pregnancy is not an indication for treatment
. In children breastfed, it is better to give Zymafluor ® directly to it.

Supplementation fluorinated drug-cons is indicated only in areas where drinking water is consumed adequately fluoridated.
Hypersensitivity to any of constituents.

(Nd WDR - to fluoridated water concession municipal how I do if I hypersensitivity??)

serious and useful - see a message

Fluorine and water
http://edisan.timone.univ-mrs. fr/edisan/Lettre/Textes/LED21.html

Data. Fluorides are abundantly present on the earth's crust and soil erosion runoff coupled with those we can find them in hands places significant concentrations in natural waters, which are the main source of fluoride for humans. If the fluoride content of surface waters is generally low (0.01 to 0.03 ppm) (ppm = parts per million by mass), the waters of the aquifer, which depends on geological and physical-chemical local, can vary in very large proportions, up to 40 ppm.

In Kenya and South Africa, levels above 25 ppm can be observed. In India, the content can reach 38 ppm in places, 15 of 32 Indian states are considered endemic for fluorosis, fluoride toxic syndrome.

While at low doses, fluoride has a beneficial role in preventing tooth decay, excessive dose may be responsible for adverse health effects. WHO has identified only in warm climates, the optimum concentration of fluoride in drinking waters should be less than 1 mg / l and 1.2 mg / l in cooler climates. The difference is due to the fact that hot weather, perspiration and sweat lead to higher consumption in water. Beyond 1.5 mg / l, consumption too high fluorine is such that its effect
protective anti-caries effects dominate toxic, non-negligible, bone or dental fluorosis.

Dental fluorosis caused by fluoride over-consumption during the teething child, the age group most vulnerable is that of 7 months - 4 years. Dental fluorosis is characterized by a series of enamel defects associated with hypoplasia or hypomineralization of enamel and dentin. In practice, there are changes in color of the enamel ranging from small patches of white chalk to greater changes making it dull, grayish and mottled. If the excess consumption begins in adulthood, dental fluorosis does not appear. Dental fluorosis is mostly a disfigurement.

More serious is skeletal fluorosis, which may itself, occur at any age. It is characterized by a thickening of cortical bone and cancellous
with impaired mineralization, ossification of tendon, the ossification of the interosseous membrane and ligaments. (Nd Nenki: the fibro-myalgia, it tells you something? A new disease!)

Bone pain, joint contractures are the signs of beginning; at a later stage, the increase in bone mass and bone deformities may result joint dysfunction and spinal muscular atrophy, neurological abnormalities compression type.

Systemic manifestations of fluorosis have been reported: abdominal pain, gastritis, inflammatory syndromes, immunodeficiencies
on cellular immunity (migration of leukocytes, phagocytosis). The observation of skeletal fluorosis
deformans implies a massive and prolonged exposure to fluoride: at least 10 mg / day for at least 10 years, which occurs only in contexts
There is no treatment for bone or dental fluorosis. Prevention plays a role major.

Geography. Excessive exposure to fluoride in water consumption would be effective in 27 countries (Map 2).
several tens of millions of subjects would be affected. Eg five million (6% of the population) in Mexico. The concentration of fluoride in water depends on local geological conditions. If water consumption is too rich in fluorine is the most common risk of fluorosis, other sources of poisoning are possible, particularly of industrial origin.

View the site map:

Map 2. In green, countries which suffer from endemic fluorosis (According to a UNICEF card)

The medicinal use of fluoride. In many countries where intake of fluoride is considered negligible or low, the habit has been established to provide
fluoride supplements during childhood or introduce fluoride in toothpaste to prevent
dental caries. Some also feel able to use fluoride in senile osteoporosis prevention. The real benefit that can be drawn from these requirements
remains controversial, both for preventing tooth decay for the prevention of osteoporosis. However, it does not seem
that intakes of fluorinated type can have a negative effect whatsoever, provided of course not to come aggravate natural fluoride intake
already excessive.

The prevention of dental fluorosis and bone is essentially based on the action, in infancy, to waters
feeding fluorine content required standards. Where this remedy is physically or economically impossible, the technique
defluorination of water by flocculation or absorption, can be implemented.

UNICEF Water, Environment and Sanitation. Fluoride in water: an overview, 2002.
program / wes / info / fluor.htm
UNICEF Report Questions Safety, Benefits of Fluoride, 2002.
Locker D. Benefits and risks of water fluoridation. Community Dental Health Services Research Unit, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto
, 1999, 93 p. ________________________

excellent site which lists numbers of toxic to read and see for a brief but comprehensive information in the form.


The information on the risks of fluoride for health are increasing in the professional literature.

When the mouth is colonized by bad germs, fluorine increases the release of mercury from amalgams, and the transformation of methylmercury methylmercury divalent monovalent very toxic.

Fluoride is a generator of non-specific allergies, it increases the susceptibility of the organism to react to allergens.
Dr. Hans Nieper reported that sodium fluoride promotes the onset of cancer.

The addition of sodium fluoride in drinking water has led to a 15% increase in the incidence of cancer ...

administration of fluoride to children have led to reduced brain capacity, agitation palsy, anemia, hair thinning and especially
considerable disorder of the immune system with the consequence of repeated respiratory infections and otitis media
. These fears

from scientific sources and multiple very serious, should be enough to encourage not to use fluoride tablets in children, nor fluoride toothpaste or fluoridated drinking water, and that until is a clear focus and determination is based on the risks.

sent -Mirinda-. - Current time on video.
Would you really
fluoride in your drinking water?
More than 400 disabled children made by the fault of the NIS
(Societe Nationale des Eaux)

If you really know the dangers and consequences of an overdose of this corrosive, one of the most toxic of the planet you will think twice . Would you really know what happened to children Tibiri, Nigeria, who suffer terribly from an overdose of fluoride in their drinking water. Now, remember your breath before this horrible act against impunity is this village. Experimental
? Unconscious? Repairs?
Ask the SNE (Societe Nationale des Eaux)!

Watch Tru Tv Operation Repo Episodes

And if it was really like in 2070

Here is a slideshow video that I got there shortly, and that is scary ... Why? Because ultimately it may not be further from the truth ...
And if it was really like in 2070
sent Petite_Symphonie . - Watch more vidéos de science.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

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Be There ...

Just bad luck


not be there at the right time

not you know 10 years

not live here

not be other

I just unlucky enough to be me and


to be only you

just bad luck

short !

Saturday, May 22, 2010

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The Cleansing

Hello everyone!
I want this blog are also used to communicate information on herbalism.
Here is a fresh article on Cleansing. Even though spring is now tending towards the summer, it is still possible to cure the Spring often brings great benefit to our organization.
Happy reading!

Centuries ago, the Cleansing had of itself as people followed the cycles of nature in their lifestyle. The Cleansing are usually in the spring, because of course, is the time of renewal, spring cleaning, but it's time for new green shoots and bitter that cleanse the body.
The Fall cleanups are well suited to prepare for winter. It is the harvest time or you can eat plenty of root vegetables and good fresh food plucked from the garden.
Over time, our way of life in industrialized we lose this contact with the earth, with the seasons and by extension, with these periods of purges. Today, our environment is much more polluted and the food is often processed and chemically treated. The Cleansing can do the greatest good and should be done once or twice a year, naturally, as did our ancestors.
The beneficial effects of treatment are manifold. Cures can be used simply to feel lighter, to purify the body for treatment for a particular problem or even to prepare for a possible pregnancy.
Treatments can help for the following issues:
-skin problems: acne, eczema, psoriasis, cellulitis, herpes zoster
-Digestive problems: bloating, constipation, indigestion, blurring vision, nausea, diarrhea, parasites, cholesterol, hypoglycemia, obesity, ulcers
-lack of energy, fatigue
-headache, migraine
-repeated infections
-nervous disorders, insomnia
-circulatory disorders, varicose
-arthritis, osteoarthritis, muscle disorders, inflammation
etc.. ...
-Stages of detoxification
To make a complete cure, several steps are necessary. These steps can be done one after another or simultaneously. By cons, when doing the steps one after the other, we can note the different effects of cleaning and if they are connected to a particular organ. We therefore have a better idea of where the problem may come if there is one, and observe how each system reacts.
It goes without saying that if the elimination intestinal level is not adequate, detoxification can not do it properly. Therefore it is important to clean the bowel before starting treatment and ensure proper disposal throughout the cleanup. The removal is considered normal by about 1-3 bowel movements per day.
colon cleansing can begin 2-3 days before the start of treatment.
plants to clean the intestines:
-The emollient: psyllium, flax ground sheath, mallow (malva) Take plenty of water
-Laxatives: buckthorn, senna, rhubarb
1-2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil per day may be added and / or a supplement of probiotics. Daily, increasing fiber, adequate hydration and exercise, contributes to a good clean and lets have a normal bowel movement.
The liver is an organ of the most important in our body. It performs over 100 functions. It degrades the filter wastes from the blood and digestive system, it stores vitamins and minerals and manages excess hormones. It also distributes trace elements and processes sugars and lipids. With the gallbladder, the liver produces bile which acts as an antiseptic that helps eliminate viruses, bacteria and parasites. Bile also helps emulsify the fat and alkaline foods digested by the stomach.
The liver is one of the first organs to be cleaned when a cure is step by step since the bodies filters should be fit to clean the blood. The liver is the organ often the most congested. It is therefore necessary to relieve first before moving on to next steps. Many symptoms of poor digestion disappear when cleaning the liver.
plants to clean the liver: Artichoke, Boldo, gentian, blessed thistle, mountain grape, dandelion, yarrow, rosemary
The thistle is a regenerating liver cells. It is used long term to help the weary livers. It can be used for several months following a course or as needed.
The kidneys, like the liver, are the filters the blood. Therefore it is important to clean and tone during the Cleansing. The kidneys help to regulate blood pH and blood pressure. The kidneys also control the amount of water retained in the body, thus maintaining homeostasis of the organism. The liver and kidneys are involved in the activation of vitamin D.
kidney cleansing plant: nettle, dandelion, couch grass, goldenrod, horsetail, verrum cleavers, lovage, parsley, cranberry, buchu
-blood and lymph:
Blood brings nutrients throughout the body and organs. Hemoglobin carries oxygen and eliminates waste and CO2. Fungi such as candida albicans, parasites, viruses and bacteria decreases the activity of blood as they feed on it. By cleaning the blood and strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, we can therefore eliminate the invaders and effectively nourish every cell in the body.
The lymph liquid is composed almost entirely of water and circulates through the body via the lymphatic vessels. The lymph has no pump like the blood from the heart. We must move to the lymph circulation. The main role of lymph is to eliminate the body's metabolic waste. It also contains antibodies and is connected to the lymph. It therefore also immune function. It also helps regulate homeostasis.
Plants cleansing the blood and lymph: Burdock, red clover, calendula, because of the mountains, dandelion, gaillum aparine, sweet clover, nettle
-The frequency and duration of courses
Treatments can be performed by one to two Once a year, preferably the change of seasons (spring, fall) Some people make light treatments at other times of the year if the need is felt, as after the holidays.
A full course and can last for more in-depth 2 weeks to a month. At this time we will work each body separately and even make treatment following the treatment.
cures light lasts on average 10 to 20 days. We will work more often all organs at the same time or more specifically the liver and digestive system are often more mortgage than other systems.
dosages may vary depending on products used. If you using formulas designed for Cleansing bought in food stores, follow the instructions on the package or consult with the store for more information.
For herbal tea, a tablespoon of plant per cup of hot water, infuse for about 10 minutes, 2 to 4 cups per day, is the regular dose. You can start with lower doses to start and gradually increased. Some plants such as dandelion root and burdock should be prepared as a decoction. It is therefore to put the plants in a pot with water and boil water with the plants for 10 to 15 minutes. Then let sit for a few minutes, strain and drink 2 to 4 cups per day.
the diet during a course will be composed of fresh, whole, alive and preferably organic.
heavy meals, fatty foods, sugary or refined, is not recommended, and the consumption of alcohol, coffee, drinks drinks, tobacco, red meat, etc.. An alkaline diet is in order and adding green foods can help to strengthen this type of diet.
consumption of root vegetables can complement the cleansing action of plants. The fresh juice, juice of wheat grass, sprouts and the lacto-fermentation as well. Fiber intake should be increased during the cure and even everyday ..
Hydration is essential during the treatment. Consumption of a liter and a half to two liters of water pure daily should be part of the cure of detoxification. If you're not used to drinking water, start gradually. The addition of chlorophyll is an attractive option because it helps clean the blood oxygenation.
-Exercises and complementary therapies cures
Yoga, meditation, walking, massages and / or lymphatic drainage, exercises breathing, pilates, anti-exercise, all brief relaxation exercises or toning the body are very interesting additions during the Cleansing. The sessions in spas or Scandinavian baths can also be part of the program. Less stress is present during cleaning, plus the body eliminate toxins and smooth acidity created by stress. The exercise also activates the lymph, which contributes greatly to the elimination of toxins. So do not hesitate, take the opportunity to pamper yourself, relax and do good.
-Following a cure
After having a course of detoxification, it is possible to work on a particular health problem. The body clean will be more receptive to therapy. It is also possible to reinforce a particular system or the immune system in anticipation of the coming winter or just make a good dose of antioxidants to complete the cure in beauty. We can also take the opportunity to mineralize the body or with herb teas rich in minerals and trace elements or with supplements.
Taking adaptogens plants can take the cure and thus participate to strengthen, tone and modulate the body's immune system.
Some herbalists even recommend treating with plants adoptogènes to strengthen the body before cure, especially if the person is exhausting. In cases of great exhaustion, cures may strain more. It is best to prepare nourishing the body and toning the adrenal glands. Adaptogenic plants to be taken at least one or two months before the treatment, preferably accompanied by a program stress management.
-cons and side effects, indications
If the body is clogged, side effects may occur during treatment. It is not uncommon to see show symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, upset stomach or intestinal or even skin rashes or eczema or pushed acne. Some people are also more vulnerable to catching a cold. These symptoms are normal and they will disappear during treatment. As these symptoms do not cause real pain or upset, continue treatment with the recommended dosage. Otherwise, you can lower dosages and increase when the body is able to withstand cleaning.
A cure is not an opportunity to suffer or to bleed violently. Who deserves such treatment? Treat your body gently and feed him as it should, and the cure will be a pleasant thing that you will want to repeat. It is useless to be pressed. If you are not familiar to you clean, it is possible that the original treatments behave more effects certificate or must be lighter. You find your way to work with time and can go more in depth, the rhythm of your body.
Some people with chronic illnesses or problems can not cure detox. Unless we work very lightly, with monitoring by a physician and a natural health practitioner (herbalist, naturopath or homeopath)
People with heart disease, disorders of kidney failure, degenerative liver or kidney or liver should avoid Cleansing. People taking medication and want to take herbal or natural products of any kind, should consult a health practitioner, doctor or pharmacist to make sure if there are no interactions with pharmaceutical drugs and natural health products.
For any additional advice or more details, consult your herbalist!