Monday, August 23, 2010

Is It Illegal To Wear Hot Pink Pants In Australia

great danger!

Working on Fluorine and infants



If one believes the WHO statistics, fluorine, contrary to popular belief would not be helpful in preventing dental caries, even worse, it is dangerous to health. Nevertheless, it should be noted that fluoride toothpastes are less dangerous than believed, Fluor is because the highly volatile and after a few minutes of opening the tube, there is any more of fluoride in toothpaste.

Again and again contre__________

by Dr. Alain Scohy

his misdeeds: He works deep
promoting scoliosis, hyper laxity of ligaments, accelerated degeneration of the body. All
chronic poisoning with fluorine generate deep psychological problems - especially with the loss of free will - up to madness, especially if the poisoning takes place during growth.

Some factories in France have been forced to close because of this type of harm on the surrounding population. It is recognized toxic in drinking water and must not exceed a certain threshold it is considered safe.


It would help prevent tooth decay?

is false and completely untrue! The statistical tables provided by the WHO showed a slight decrease in the number of caries
the first year and an increase well above the normal rates and then ...
But the name of the sacrosanct medical standardization, all physicians France prescribed routinely to all
children, even when water consumption is usually already too rich in fluorine. Moreover, the State Orchestra
systematic supplementation of fluoride in milk, salt, toothpaste, and many other products!


It was Hitler who was the first to research this gas in order to enslave the populations of countries conquered by the demeaning, and accentuating the natural mechanisms of degeneration .. To make zombies docile and stupid, strengthen its racial theory and reduce their fertility (sterility rats supplemented fluorine after 3 or 4 generations). This is mentioned in the report of the Nuremberg trials!

Why this blind prescription, standard, contrary to common sense and even to statistics published by WHO?

There certainly fashionable, competition between pediatricians and general practitioners, the tendency to quackery and ease. And there are probably other causes much less respectable below ... Covered with eugenics and control of world overpopulation. It is regrettable that once again (1), these are the doctors who take care of the dirty work! Dr. Alain

Scohy - 7 rte de St Médiers, 30700 - MONTAREN

Some parameters in the water are harmful to humans such as nitrates, lead, fluorine, viruses
and bacteria, pesticides or agrochemicals. Following on the site outside

___________________________ For those who have time and for scientific research - doctors or other specialists in this environment - help ...!!!


A site visit absolutely - for those who already know here is another reality of the evils of drug companies.



This anarchy of the immune system is supported by:
- toxic factors of the environment,
- fluoride used in toothpaste and drinking water,
- silver amalgam fillings ,
- aluminum in deodorants, cooking equipment, and one that is used as an additive in table salt, etc. ... (See page aluminum Chemtrails)
Abuse of vaccines and sera probably also plays a role.
___________________________ Superb
of crap, everything is said - it's all true - an example:
Zymafluor ® sodium fluoride


The suggested dose must not be exceeded, dental fluorosis can occur after continuous ingestion of large quantities of fluorine

Before prescribing this drug, you must:
- Ensure that the patient does not receive other sources of fluoride, especially drinking water. It is good to inquire at the town hall or from
DDASS of its fluorine content.
- Check teeth regularly to verify the absence of development of fluorosis.

Zymafluor-cons ® is not indicated during pregnancy and lactation. The first trimester of pregnancy is not an indication for treatment
. In children breastfed, it is better to give Zymafluor ® directly to it.

Supplementation fluorinated drug-cons is indicated only in areas where drinking water is consumed adequately fluoridated.
Hypersensitivity to any of constituents.

(Nd WDR - to fluoridated water concession municipal how I do if I hypersensitivity??)

serious and useful - see a message

Fluorine and water
http://edisan.timone.univ-mrs. fr/edisan/Lettre/Textes/LED21.html

Data. Fluorides are abundantly present on the earth's crust and soil erosion runoff coupled with those we can find them in hands places significant concentrations in natural waters, which are the main source of fluoride for humans. If the fluoride content of surface waters is generally low (0.01 to 0.03 ppm) (ppm = parts per million by mass), the waters of the aquifer, which depends on geological and physical-chemical local, can vary in very large proportions, up to 40 ppm.

In Kenya and South Africa, levels above 25 ppm can be observed. In India, the content can reach 38 ppm in places, 15 of 32 Indian states are considered endemic for fluorosis, fluoride toxic syndrome.

While at low doses, fluoride has a beneficial role in preventing tooth decay, excessive dose may be responsible for adverse health effects. WHO has identified only in warm climates, the optimum concentration of fluoride in drinking waters should be less than 1 mg / l and 1.2 mg / l in cooler climates. The difference is due to the fact that hot weather, perspiration and sweat lead to higher consumption in water. Beyond 1.5 mg / l, consumption too high fluorine is such that its effect
protective anti-caries effects dominate toxic, non-negligible, bone or dental fluorosis.

Dental fluorosis caused by fluoride over-consumption during the teething child, the age group most vulnerable is that of 7 months - 4 years. Dental fluorosis is characterized by a series of enamel defects associated with hypoplasia or hypomineralization of enamel and dentin. In practice, there are changes in color of the enamel ranging from small patches of white chalk to greater changes making it dull, grayish and mottled. If the excess consumption begins in adulthood, dental fluorosis does not appear. Dental fluorosis is mostly a disfigurement.

More serious is skeletal fluorosis, which may itself, occur at any age. It is characterized by a thickening of cortical bone and cancellous
with impaired mineralization, ossification of tendon, the ossification of the interosseous membrane and ligaments. (Nd Nenki: the fibro-myalgia, it tells you something? A new disease!)

Bone pain, joint contractures are the signs of beginning; at a later stage, the increase in bone mass and bone deformities may result joint dysfunction and spinal muscular atrophy, neurological abnormalities compression type.

Systemic manifestations of fluorosis have been reported: abdominal pain, gastritis, inflammatory syndromes, immunodeficiencies
on cellular immunity (migration of leukocytes, phagocytosis). The observation of skeletal fluorosis
deformans implies a massive and prolonged exposure to fluoride: at least 10 mg / day for at least 10 years, which occurs only in contexts
There is no treatment for bone or dental fluorosis. Prevention plays a role major.

Geography. Excessive exposure to fluoride in water consumption would be effective in 27 countries (Map 2).
several tens of millions of subjects would be affected. Eg five million (6% of the population) in Mexico. The concentration of fluoride in water depends on local geological conditions. If water consumption is too rich in fluorine is the most common risk of fluorosis, other sources of poisoning are possible, particularly of industrial origin.

View the site map:

Map 2. In green, countries which suffer from endemic fluorosis (According to a UNICEF card)

The medicinal use of fluoride. In many countries where intake of fluoride is considered negligible or low, the habit has been established to provide
fluoride supplements during childhood or introduce fluoride in toothpaste to prevent
dental caries. Some also feel able to use fluoride in senile osteoporosis prevention. The real benefit that can be drawn from these requirements
remains controversial, both for preventing tooth decay for the prevention of osteoporosis. However, it does not seem
that intakes of fluorinated type can have a negative effect whatsoever, provided of course not to come aggravate natural fluoride intake
already excessive.

The prevention of dental fluorosis and bone is essentially based on the action, in infancy, to waters
feeding fluorine content required standards. Where this remedy is physically or economically impossible, the technique
defluorination of water by flocculation or absorption, can be implemented.

UNICEF Water, Environment and Sanitation. Fluoride in water: an overview, 2002.
program / wes / info / fluor.htm
UNICEF Report Questions Safety, Benefits of Fluoride, 2002.
Locker D. Benefits and risks of water fluoridation. Community Dental Health Services Research Unit, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto
, 1999, 93 p. ________________________

excellent site which lists numbers of toxic to read and see for a brief but comprehensive information in the form.


The information on the risks of fluoride for health are increasing in the professional literature.

When the mouth is colonized by bad germs, fluorine increases the release of mercury from amalgams, and the transformation of methylmercury methylmercury divalent monovalent very toxic.

Fluoride is a generator of non-specific allergies, it increases the susceptibility of the organism to react to allergens.
Dr. Hans Nieper reported that sodium fluoride promotes the onset of cancer.

The addition of sodium fluoride in drinking water has led to a 15% increase in the incidence of cancer ...

administration of fluoride to children have led to reduced brain capacity, agitation palsy, anemia, hair thinning and especially
considerable disorder of the immune system with the consequence of repeated respiratory infections and otitis media
. These fears

from scientific sources and multiple very serious, should be enough to encourage not to use fluoride tablets in children, nor fluoride toothpaste or fluoridated drinking water, and that until is a clear focus and determination is based on the risks.

sent -Mirinda-. - Current time on video.
Would you really
fluoride in your drinking water?
More than 400 disabled children made by the fault of the NIS
(Societe Nationale des Eaux)

If you really know the dangers and consequences of an overdose of this corrosive, one of the most toxic of the planet you will think twice . Would you really know what happened to children Tibiri, Nigeria, who suffer terribly from an overdose of fluoride in their drinking water. Now, remember your breath before this horrible act against impunity is this village. Experimental
? Unconscious? Repairs?
Ask the SNE (Societe Nationale des Eaux)!


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