Thursday, August 26, 2010

01 Gp1200r Not Turning Over

How to keep healthy foods - Codex Alimentarius The Ordre Moisi

Codex Alimentarius threatening health freedom

A new European Union directive must be implemented on 31 December this year.
This is a "Codex Alimentarius" which substantially limits the permitted substances in the field of alternative medicines and dietary supplements, although the directive was passed.

This would mean that for the remedies that we buy today (Homeopathy, Bach Flowers, Schlüssler salts, minerals and vitamins) the number of active substances would be so limited that these drugs lose their effectiveness. Worse yet these drugs could disappear from the market because they would not have been authorized for sale due to new criteria for placing on the market extremely restrictive.

This information is especially alarming that mean to all of us the end of therapy and also the end of all trades that use these substances (naturopaths, herbalists, homeopaths, herbalists and laboratories producing these medicines).

In Britain the "Health Stores" as "boots" are campaigning across the country asking customers to lobby their MPs to halt the passage of this directive. The subject is discussed formally and publicly. Unfortunately the media in France and Germany have very little or not publish this information for us all.

Note also that countries that have initiated this new Directive are Italy, Germany ... and France.

if you find after the attack (in French) the English site of "Consumers for Health Choice," which has set up a European petition.

This site offers to sign a petition but also to write to your MP in Brussels. Such a directive

inspired by the lobbies of the pharmaceutical industry, minimize the marketing of natural remedies for the benefit of allopathic medicines.

Thank you for your attention and hope that many of you will sign this petition. Thank you to know that information to your entourage!

Barbara Thielmann Association "Die Alternative"


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