Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tenting Of Left Diaphragm


Chemtrails (chemical contrails): First things first!

We can not say exactly when the chemtrails started, but we can certainly say that the idea of spreading a substance in flight is as old as the airplane itself. One can think, for example spraying of herbicides and insecticides, as well as famous threats post-September 11 anthrax spill using such devices. It is also the noblest of causes, such as control of fires by aircraft type CL-215.

But military organizations in the world have also thought long and to such spraying operations, and all sorts of purposes ...

In the case of chemtrails, we could probably talk about two "types", or series of events marking the beginning:

1 - The first "test" military spreading toxic chemicals from aircraft on limited areas. For example, in 1953, one of the first series of tests was conducted on residents of the city of Winnipeg. 36 different tests are performed in total, while U.S. officials, CIA head, leaders lie to Canadians about the true nature of the tests. The aim of the operation was to determine what proportion of the population it is possible to impose chemically cancer.

Jurisdictions finally had to admit, long after the events, such tests have indeed taken place.

2 - The claim by individuals that a broader program of wide spread globally exists. This controversy began (approximately) in 1995 when more and more people began to notice signs in the sky that were not, according to them, traces of condensation common.

officials deny any ... but for how long?

Initially we did not produce a page on chemtrails. Some translations of relevant texts to inform, but not of composition on the subject.

First, because there are already many websites presenting sufficient evidence to support the thesis, but first and foremost because anyone who speaks on this subject puts his credibility into question. Our site covers various topics, some so-called "conspiracy" and that it seemed to add our comments on this disturbing phenomenon we definitely classify as "bizarre" or what else. Try it yourself by talking about chemtrails to your friends, and you will see, with the general population, the idea that had been dropping chemicals with the approval of the powers that be seem quite paranoid, crazy, impossible.

It is not.

And so we finally added this page.

The wide array of increasingly impressive evidence (for anyone who would see them) and the presence of more harmful traces themselves (we have observed and photographed in various regions of Quebec), we are come the conclusion that a vast global program of chemical spraying could exist and that humans would be a major target.

must react, and quickly.

whole argument of researchers on the subject of chemtrails, as well as the rhetoric of government officials revolves around this issue: Is it really spreading harmful programs, or could he do s act as condensation forms which, due to weather factors, the increase in air traffic, or components of chemical fuel, leave traces that are more visible than before? Some

think they know the ultimate answer, and most are surprisingly confident that those who view the phenomenon is "normal" and due to our easy to use for propulsion. People supporting the theory of "chemtrails" are now ridiculed by meteorologists and other specialists, and in recent months dozens of pages explaining the very naturalness of the white streaks are persistent questions about newly emerging internet.

... And yet ...

Do our word, it would be a relief to learn that all this is in fact normal, and we would accept without problem if the proof was made beyond a reasonable doubt.

If the crusade against chemtrails stops on this discovery, we (the community involved in the termination of the phenomenon) at least raised awareness of pollution from the air propulsion and air traffic, which in itself very harmful to the environment. And we all go back home, laughing and hoping a new method of propulsion.

That would truly happy.

But some press shy of U.S. agencies already known for their unreliability, and reports from some scientists Pro-government can not counterbalance the evidence and testimony that accumulates a growing part of the population that observes and is affected.

If there are no such operations in aerosol sprays, now called "chemtrails", then we will shed light in the media, and government officials (Quebecers, Canadians, Americans, etc. .) stated publicly that no such thing takes place, and we prove it.

History has shown that too often unanswered questions hiding incredible truths, and that world governments do not care about people when you win to do.

And obviously here, there seems to be much at stake ..

We Will All Of Chemtrails Creuver PART 1 unpublished
sent Cl4VieFrere2010 . - Meet more personalities on the web.


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