Friday, March 4, 2011

Extreme Curves Archives

THE RAPTORS: The Rise of gas is not the fault of multinational revolutions!

households undergo unprecedented racketeering with a massive rise in gasoline prices and more generally of energy products. While the Arab peoples are struggling at the cost of their lives for democracy and social justice, Europe Jamahiriya exploits the situation to further liberalize the market Energy, intended by its sponsors and Right Socialists, and justify the increase in gasoline prices. One of his "expert" are brainwashing said: "The bills reflect the evolution of world prices and the trend is increasing due to the high volatility in the Arab world. "It is shameful and wrong: the Libya covers only 2% of world supplies! And speculation and super profits, it does not exist? Total profits rose 25% last year and amounted to 10 billion euros, of which 5 billion will be paid to shareholders. Thank you for them!
1 / In these countries, people have confiscated their national wealth by both dictators and multinational corporations.
2/The rising energy prices due to speculation and profit preempted by the majors.
3 / The oil taxation in France and Europe is punitive to families so that gifts breaks to businesses and large fortunes multiply.
One more reason to punish, March 20, this power more conscious of the privileges of the band Fouquet's that the public interest by voting for Sofia Dauvergne and his deputy Jean-Claude Mamet .
Gas Prices: The Libya has "broad back"
After successive increases in gas prices (+20%) and electricity (6%) over the last 12 months, the liter unleaded gasoline reached an average of € 1.49 today. The media attribute cause to events in Libya. However, it covers only 2% of world supply. Especially, the increases in oil prices have started much earlier, in association with the falling dollar, a tremendous speculation encouraged by the monetary policy of the United States, deregulation of markets subject to the thirst for majors and financial profitability of banks . In addition, the oil tax, punitive to families, as European states do not want to alleviate, to capture a portion of oil revenues to reduce the deficits widening their huge support for large capital. But this is ignored and is preferred make the oil responsible for all the difficulties, while the increase of its courses only increases the phase of exacerbation of the crisis with policies implemented since the service of the dominance of financial markets. It is preferable to the single account of events in Libya increases which, however, are mainly caused by speculation and the unwillingness of leaders OECD to hire an energy revolution.
users and people = money pumps. In reality, these events are an opportunity:
1/For government is rising with each additional revenues from VAT and does not touch the wealth of the TIPP (58% of the price of gasoline)
2/Pour speculators whose every wide variation in prices is an opportunity to make money
3/Pour the oil companies like Total, which has announced it will provide $ 5 billion in dividends on its profits in 2010.Des proposals to change the logic.
Racket households in France, misery of people in the South, grabbing the oil rent by groups, speculators, and family in the producing countries is that capitalist economic order that shake people's movements today . A conference World Energy, which should be considered a common good, would be necessary. In the immediate future, the government must take urgent measures: - by establishing a maximum price at pump - in deciding the decrease of 5% of the TIPP on petroleum products - by adopting a plan urgency to develop public transport - funding these measures by a tax on oil company profits.

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TFR: a sham debate for turning France into a tax haven for large fortunes

How turning France into a tax haven for wealthy families? It is the exercise which aims to engage the government by staging a mock debate between two scenarios dilution-extinction of the ISF. The string is large: the government would recover the protest against the scandalous tax shield to allow the removal of the ISF. This is even more unacceptable that the measures being considered to offset the 3.4 billion euros - in the worst case scenario - are vague and could open the door to massive fraud in the context of declining resources tax administration. The operation is in crisis and indecent while 8 million workers now earn less than 950 euros per month! The tax shield should indeed be deleted and the ISF major reform primarily to increase the levy on financial fortunes thrive against the interests of the vast majority of French men and women.
Peter Lawrence, national secretary of the PCF

March 20, we have the opportunity to oppose this policy to only serve the wealthy and punish severely. To give a good left to right, it should break with the liberal loigiques. In Romainville, is voting for Sofia who Dauvergne permits.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pleurisy How Long Do It Last

"Masquerade," the editorial Maurice Ulrich in "humanity" that day

today's visit by Nicolas Sarkozy in Le Puy-en-Velay to salute "the historic legacy" of France is a sham and a provocation. A farce, because it is a pretext completely out of step with the real problems of France and French people today. A farce, because it is staged and that the choice of the city, as the program of President's visit, the cathedral, baptistery and the cloister are all signals to several days of debate villain that UMP plans to launch as soon as April 5, on secularism, in reality about Islam. Remember a tourist point of view that the city of Le Puy, very pleasant after all, dominated by a giant statue the Virgin and thus, by this great and very beautiful volcanic stone cathedral, is a stop on the way to Saint Jacques de Compostela, which does not deserve any comment if, precisely, the president had not chosen make of the decor of the room that he intends to play. And that is provocative. The instrumentalization of a city, its people and, yes, religion itself targets for politicians.
The general meaning of his visit, however, will be greeted by a demonstration this morning unions and left formations, is nonetheless clear. This is in line its various policy initiatives of the year and his speech on Sunday to oppose the real France and his alleged Christian roots to anything that threatens it. A foreign offender, Roma, multiculturalism, migration due to revolutions and all that, overall, summarized in Islam. It is despicable to the point that some right has felt obliged to be alert to some concern. And François Fillon. "If this discussion should lead to stigmatize France's Muslims, I would oppose it." If he should. Nice use of the conditional as a way to pose as a safeguard in a sort of division of roles. E t during this time, the UMP, who received last night as a "dear friend," said Herve Novelli, braid laurels Eric Zemmour, convicted for his racist remarks. Which is always invited in at least remains an issue of public service. Why?
polls are falling. The presidential speech does more the resolute and fizzled out of credit, the voice of France, despite the shrugs and stabs his chin, has only weaken, unemployment is rising, the purchasing power is declining, profits waltz, no promises of the former candidate was held unless and this is certainly not a detail, the tax shield and now the likely removal of tax on capital. Make no mistake about it though. All this does not necessarily lead the French to turn to the left in general, nor to a PS awaiting Messiah. It's even on the confusion created by this policy that the National Front to prosper by tinting his speech and social republicanism, while cultivating the land of fatty xenophobia, racism, exclusion. These lands right Nicolas Sarkozy him fight, as the only way now to win in 2012.
Should wait? Nothing could be more dangerous. Now that all those who recognize themselves in a France humanist, secular, republican, social progress and justice can say "it sufffit" and the debate starts to rebuild.
Maurice Ulrich.

"Without waiting for 2012, as some invite us, we can say" enough "from March 20 next, during the local elections. In Romainville oppose effectively to dangerous liaison: FN-UMP is a vote Sofia DAUVERGNE.

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Deny hunting scapegoats!

UMP continues to bog down. Thus, we learn from the voice of Jean-François Cope that the great debate that is imposed by the President of the Republic "is not a debate about Islam," but "a debate on secularism and how to build an Islam of France". In short, it what we thought: it is the return of the debate on identity smoky nationale.Mais the presidential party in its new amalgam, is now more precise pointing the finger at musulmans.Nous call men and women of our country refuse to hunt for scapegoats. For the first threat to the Republican pact, it has Nicolas Sarkozy himself. Since he was elected, he spent his time to divide, to stigmatize, to inveigh. Secularism is the art of living together is the equality of rights, independence of the state. All principles undermined by its policy of destruction in the service of a few. The maneuvers foul of the UMP will not prevent the debate on the necessary alternative to the politics of the right which the French law.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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It is urgent to raise the requirements for employment and training

A statement Hervé Bramy, departmental secretary of the PCF 93.
"On Tuesday March 1, the president has once again moved in Seine-Saint-Denis. Fortunately this time, it was more of a Kärcher cleaning the inhabitants of a city popular but value of the hundreds of young apprentices Campus Crafts Bobigny.
This initiative is consistent with previous presidential speeches learning as an effective alternative to youth unemployment.
We challenge this unilateral approach. It For this reason with trade unionists from the local union CGT, FSU county, elected communist Bobigny and the General Council, we expressed this morning at the arrival of Nicolas Sarkozy.
noted at the outset of the ridiculous disproportion of executive policing of this event - fairly limited number of participants -. Ridiculous reinforced by the intransigence of the police hierarchy to break the repressive cord after two good hours of negotiations and multiple interventions communist parliamentarians [including Marie George Buffet and Elaine Assassi] with the Prefect that Lambert frees us from the sidewalk on which we were held. We had no intention to attempt the presidential motorcade but remember our dissatisfaction with government policy and contribute to the popularization of our proposals.
But that is not essential.
Where learning is at the heart of the presidential speech and whether it represents a real area of training and integration to employment, so far all is not rosy. The dearth of patrons likely to engage with young people is terribly lacking. So since it opened a year ago, the number of apprentices Campus Trades in Bobigny than just half its capacity.
Given the dramatic rise in the number of unemployed and precarious (at the same time the CGT held 93 press conference on the subject) it is urgent to raise the level of requirements and content solutions so that the revives hope for thousands of our citizens and youth in particular.
Some of the proposals that we carry in the debate cantonal elections:
1 Qualifier!
We propose that with the Ile-de-France and the state is implemented a development plan for the qualification Seine Saint-Denis. This plan could be based on four types of activities: • Development of new training for new jobs matching (skilled services to businesses, eco-activities; Air, image) • actions for a selected orientation, • Development complementary actions (upgrades, preparations) for carrier access to training, • social support and professional.
2 ° Focusing our efforts on creating sustainable jobs
We carry the requirement of establishing a regional fund for development of employment which they can modulate regional aid to firms with criteria of sustainable employment, training and environmental compliance. In the specific policies of the General Council, these criteria will be at work, including actions for the development of activities in sectors that create employment and competitiveness clusters. The aim will be to strengthen the productive potential of our department and encourage the emergence of new production capacities in sectors of the economy green. The cooperative sector and its thousands of employees (Social Economy and Solidarity) develop projects that meet social needs, without putting the profit in the heart of its business. A development plan for the ESS will be built with local and regional actors. 3 °
Utilities, employees, elected officials, businesses: mobilizing all energies!
We propose the realization of Assisi for a new mode of inclusive and sustainable development that needs to mobilize all energies: companies active in the Seine Saint-Denis local elected officials and unions, the state in the Ile -de-France.
4 Employment is also public employment! The
Seine-Saint-Denis, as the whole country suffers from RGPP imposed on the Public Service by the government, RGPP has already resulted in the removal of hundreds of thousands of jobs ... and the sharp deterioration of service to the public. We propose to declare an emergency plan for the development of public services including the General Council.
5 ° Securing professional careers and a guaranteed income from all
end it is a redirection of money that there is need in this country and Europe. 80 billion in profits by companies in the CAC40 index are all ways that could serve to raise the living standards of French, to help struggling small businesses.
Communists are clearly committed to a secure career paths and training for a real public pole banking engine for economic recovery and industrial development based on the employment and training opportunities.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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A forgery more!

"A forgery more." We publish this reaction of former members of "The sapling Romainvilloise. " After the sale of the pond VAILLY by the city, members of Gaul Romainvilloise have unanimously decided to dissolve their partnership. It was obvious to all those and all those who knew that our association was linked with the property that was one of the city and its statutes were designed based on this reality and that its continuation would have done in the most total illegality. The majority of elected municipal knew it too. But to try to pass the pill and a possible channeling discontent, we invented a subterfuge. That an agreement between the city and the owner, to allow members of Gaul Romainvilloise power continue to fish. This is where the deception lies. By reading this agreement, the members were first discovered that the convention could "be terminated forthwith by the city," and that "preserving the owner of the land use (which seemed like the obvious) could decide not authorize the practice of fishing for repairs. " However, before the dissolution of their partnership, the members were careful to appoint three of them to discuss with the city and the owner, the conditions under which they could continue to fish. Not a chance, the former president of our association has received a letter informing him that the city had decided to terminate the agreement, since "Gaul Romainvilloise" no longer existed. And there you go. Except that the people of our city should know that this famous convention contained another clause. We quote Article II-a: "Two events per year will be reserved for inhabitants of the city. The municipal services will have to set the dates with the owner at least three months in advance. Thus, denouncing the Convention, elected by the majority once again turn their backs on their own commitments. More pond, more association of more outlets and no agreement, either. We therefore ask a simple question. This agreement was approved by the council, how can it be terminated without the latter is again seized? And then, this nod to finish. The announcement of the termination of the "convention" to our President was accompanied by another letter. It was signed by Mr. First Deputy Mayor and invited "The Gaul Romainvilloise" to attend a meeting to prepare the feast of the town. Our association was dissolved on February 5. No comment. "
Former members of" Gaul Romainvilloise "

Monday, February 28, 2011

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Patrick Hyaric: redesign, the makeup of the political bankruptcy of Sarkozy

The president has to engage in any transaction incredible makeup of its own bankruptcy about great popular movements in Arab countries. It seems suddenly discover the strength and lucidity of the people who started the revolutionary process since December in Tunisia and now spreading everywhere. Sarkozyist Normal power was on the side of the dictators. Even today it did not have a word to the Libyans, whose blood flows due to the use of weapons supplied by European countries, not a word for Tunisians who got the start of their prime minister linked to Ben Ali. Maintaining Ms Alliot-Marie to the government became untenable. Yet it is not the only one that has received paid vacation by these dictatorships. But the substance of the problems lies in the direction of Mr. Sarkozy, the integration of France into NATO's European integration forced march, which caused so much harm to people, to support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, in collusion with Arab autocrats to the total inertia with respect to the creation of Palestinian state. He did not say anything about the nature of partnership agreements or free trade that are used by European multinationals and banks to loot and over-exploit workers in these countries.
response to humanitarian crises as they prepare to cause the flight of thousands of people from Libya and others who seek refuge in Europe, France is proud to assist them with other European countries instead of trying to repress. The "migration" is not synonymous with "terrorism" as he suggested in an ambiguous phrase to scare. On the other hand, it must take steps to restore the fortunes of dictators Peoples who need it urgently. Without delay he must recast relations between the peoples of both shores of the Mediterranean. That's a beautiful site of the future, a far cry from the small operation up tonight. On February 27, 2011

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The Ardeche is mobilizing against the shale gas

Thousands of people converged Saturday Ardèche in the first national rally against the exploitation of shale gas, despite the announcement by the Minister of Environment of the suspension of work. Behind the slogan "No gazaran" between 10,000 and 20,000 people made the time one afternoon, the small village of Villeneuve-sur-Berg, the epicenter of the opposition increasing exploitation of gas trapped at 3,000 meters underground. On foot, bike, stroller, car or bus, a motley crowd and friendly, came from throughout France, gathered on a rest area beside the road, closed to traffic, to say "Stop shale gas." Below, the plain Mirabel, farms, vineyards, crops, camping. In the distance, the mountains so dear to Jean Ferrat. Here, "they may drill two wells" and erect a flare to burn the gas, said William Vermorel, caver and one of the initiators of the gathering.
"They"? Industrialists Schuepbach Energy and GDF-Suez, which has obtained a permit to explore 930 km2 around Villeneuve. Two other permits, called Nant (Aveyron) and Montelimar (Drôme), were granted in March 2010 by the services of the former environment minister, Jean-Louis Borloo. Before the revolt growing local and regional representatives, residents and environmentalists, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet announced in early February the suspension of exploration awaiting the findings of an evaluation mission of environmental issues, in June .

Main concerns of opponents: the pollution of groundwater and damage to business and rural tourism. To extract the gas, it is actually drill wells every 200 meters and inject millions of m3 of water mixed with sand and chemicals to free the gas particles. Even "the community has nothing to gain, except that it will maintain the roads damaged by trucks," insisted Mr Vermorel. To support their struggle, the various departmental group have also made Saturday morning at Valencia in national coordination. In the crowd, white beard and long hair, Alain Gibert, Mayor Rocles ecologist, says that "the same thing happening with GMOs: people are not consulted." And mayors either. Then, in his commune of 240 inhabitants Ardèche, he took as against GMOs, an order prohibiting the operation of the gas. To date, the prefecture has still not disputed. And cultivation of GMOs is prohibited in France.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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There sometimes arises the question of why many of our fellow citizens believe that "policies" are not interested in their fate. The reasons are manifold, but one that seems essential. This is the fulfillment of commitments made. On the eve of each election campaign promises rain, but they are often short-lived. Let us therefore surprised that our citizens are showing the distrust of those who wear them.
Take the example of the current campaign of Canton. In the coming days, you will learn about a campaign document of the madame outgoing general counsel. We recommend you read it carefully. Once again they want us to take bladders for lanterns. In the "bottom line", meaning "results", it says "Extension of the metro line 12 and line 11". Before the 2008 municipal, work should begin in 2010. And this time they appear in the balance sheet. As requested Sofia Dauvergne, " WANT A LANGUAGE OF TRUTH AND TIME TO QUICKLY. This is essential if we do not want to settle weariness and discouragement. It still evokes, in this review section, the creation of 3,500 new childcare places for toddlers. Parenthetically that in the figures, there are confusing. On the blog of Claude Bartolone we announced in 3100 and the letter of application Corinne Valls, we arrive at 4000. We therefore averaged. But how to Romainville, nobody knows. Sofia offers Dauvergne CREATION OF TWO NEW MULTI CRIBS HOME, WHICH ONE TO LOW COUNTRY. NO "TO THE BABY SET. You Included in this review section: "Massive investment in colleges: 21 colleges renovated or constructed ..." The decision has been taken and that's already built and not a word about public-private partnerships that are fearing the worst. And because it lacks the balance of Mrs. Valls deletion of 50% rebate card Imagin'R to high school and students and the awarding of a computer for college students from 6th, Sofia Dauvergne, "PLEDGES THESE PROVISIONS REINTRODUCING ESSENTIAL TO MAINTAIN THE PURCHASING POWER OF FAMILIES. In this review section, a else is ignored, the increase in card Amethyst 270%. The result did not wait 40 beneficiaries in our city have not renewed their request in 2011. Sofia Dauvergne committed "TO RESTORE ITS PRICE 15 EUROS TO BE 40". He is finally totally absurd to suggest that nothing existed before Claude Bartolone and Romainville has not benefited from the assistance of the Department. The scheduled operation to improve the habitat that was before 2008, the coverage of the motorway, it was before 2008, the intervention zac on Jean Lemoine was before 2008. The contribution of the general council for the construction of gymnasiums, media centers, payment of benefits to beneficiaries of the RSA, the observatory on violence against women, maternal and child health, the 4 nurseries departmental allocation elderly dependency the welfare of children, operation and investment in colleges ... All that existed long before the arrival of a supreme savior. We conclude with a note of humor. In the 'my proposals for Romainville "we discover in the "Urban Ecology, an enchanting picture of a body of water. Initially, we thought, after the sale of the pond Vailly, that he had been transplanted in Romainville or a pond would soon decorate the landscape Romainvillois. After verification, it does nothing.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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debate budget guidelines: the intervention of Sofia Dauvergne

City Council Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Madam Mayor,
"Like every year we have to discuss budget guidelines. We recall once again for us, this debate should allow elected s express on priorities, issues and developments in the financial condition of our community.
But for this it was necessary to have elements of financial and budgetary and reporting of trade expressed at a Finance Committee. This debate should
including, be preceded by public debates so that democratically, the public be involved in the preparation and choices that result.
Instead, he has taken the party, once again, to emphasize the information when the budget vote, I guess, when everything will be closed. We can, again, only regret.
However, all members of this assembly can not agree more, I mean of course, politicians from left, whether in majority or in opposition to the harmfulness of the policy of the couple Sarkozy-Fillon. When
this year, dividends to shareholders of CAC 40 companies posted a record 40 billion euros (up 13%), the most since 2001, and at the same time 8 million people live below the poverty and misery rose 2.1% in 2010. While
172 billion euros are located in tax havens and, consequently, exempt from all charges and that big business has 22 billion euros of exemption from social security contributions, the Government proposes to introduce a "social VAT" in order to further reduce the contributions of these companies, straining at the same time more household budgets. Our city has
1464 RSA beneficiaries, or 5.57% of the population (latest statistics CAF).
20% of the population is unemployed Romainvilloise and this figure reached over 30% for youth under 25 years.
What we do not answer us that is the crisis or financial hardship!
The current crisis of capitalism. It is this crisis that the band "Fouquets" is the French support in setting up, in absolute doctrine, a policy of fiscal and social injustice.
When, after questioning the right to a dignified retirement at age 60 and full, a new regression Democratic majority is imposed on us with the reform of local government: the freezing of allocations, the removal of TP.
Indeed, when the French trapped by this crisis, see their daily living conditions precarious and they expect communities even more support, the government opted for worse by challenging the founding principles of our republic: the territorial equality and the duty of solidarity.
Many utilities that have already been removed in the logic of budget savings: courts, treasuries, hospitals, post office ... then they are ever approached by people.
The current logic of the single reduction in public expenditure of the state is struggling municipalities at the expense of equality between the territories and the service rendered users. And Romainville no exception.
Also, even if we repeat it and use the same words as last year, we wonder, once again, as the framework for our city budget for 2011.
This year, everything goes well, it seems, in Romainville because the operation is controlled and any investment may continue.
Cash flow increased from 6.9 million to 7.3 million, thus taking the "force" as you noted in your report: the force at the expense of which budget lines?
Staff costs, social benefits, the functioning of public services?
I would note that:
In 2001, the actual operating expenditures amounted to 39 million euros. In 2010, they are more than 36 million euros, a decrease of 7.69%.
In 2001, actual investment was 13 million. In 2010, they spend 33 million euros, an increase of 153.85%.
It is said in this report, we will control the current operating expenses. But
about operating expenses, is about service to population.
is about social policy, cultural, sporting, educational.
is talking about personal greeting services, roads, parks, the CCAS, the Caisse des Ecoles. In short, it is about everyday people.
Also, given the economic situation which has been criticized previously, this expenditure control is in effect, reduce the service rendered to the population of Romainville.
This population will be known again this year, despite the long-awaited overhaul of the gate of the family quotient, tariff increases benefits social growth as we continue to not approve.
It is stated in the prospects for achieving 2011, the operation of the ZAC de l'Horloge, project structuring, which will involve the public and elected officials of the council, contrary, and no offense to some, the experience in the development of the project by collecting air, expensive project, priority or unwanted.
The opening of the library and building a new gym in the city center should not make us forget that we have deprived people of access to reading for 18 months but also a sports facility for 2 years for a "Monoprix" which is hard to see the day ...
In this list of prospects, there is no reference to the proposed rebuilding of the school's downtown. I recall that it had been a unanimous vote of our Assembly.
We can not stress it enough, if we favor investment, we are totally opposed to investment at any price. For us, these choices are more complicated in the sense of accompaniment to the political right, faithful to the policies values left.
Therefore, before the economic tsunami and the national political choices, our discussion of fiscal policy must play its full meaning.
In developing the 2011 budget, financial constraints the state imposes on us, we should not install "in management to management."
More than ever, we must respond to the needs and expectations Romainvillois,
More than ever, we need to support and sustain each of them by a real political left.
Given the liberal right, there is no question of our elected Communists to resign ourselves.
We aim to change people's lives. It is a matter of democracy, social justice and equality Republican.
Therefore, we must act, with the population, to stop these unjust situations, unacceptable and unworthy of a country that calls itself democratic.
Also, you'll understand Madam Mayor, as requested by Stéphane HESSEL "
" We are appalled "

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Creating a Brigade night in the municipal police. Chantal intervention Guyard

Creating a brigade of night in the city police
OF February 23, 2011
Madam Mayor,
At its inception, In January 2009, the municipal police we had been presented "As a new tool aimed to continue the close relationship with the population and to better coordinate interventions in the territory."
You just gave us Mr. First Deputy Mayor, the activity report of the municipal police of our city. Thank you.
But what about the balance of the activity of the National Police as the Commissioner sees its workforce Lilac amputees from year to year?
Today we proposed to create a brigade of night ... I'm afraid, unfortunately, it is clear that the creation of the night brigade will not solve the security problems encountered in our city, even if it is less criminogenic than others.
Facing the withdrawal of the state to combat insecurity, it is primarily to mobilize exceptional resources and in areas much wider than that of the police to do, our city, a place where there life is good.
Also, I think the problems that can meet the officers at night, I remember that agents do not have the same training nor the same opportunities for action that the National Police, will not be the same as those encountered during the day (different people so different acts of delinquency).
What support is provided to support them? What means will they have to act?
For our part, we refuse to municipal officials in situations of danger. We reiterate that we must act for the creation of a commission of right Romainville, and that the municipal action must be redeployed to awareness and prevention. Do not worry, I have no doubt that the actions can make our city police but I think, too, that new ways of working should be implemented:
Thus, the group of elected communist offers:
· to promote proximity and strengthen the work of public service in the field,
· to reinstate neighborhood councils with participatory budgeting,
· to create a local instance of consultation on school, to define a proper education policy coherent and shared
· to create a municipal department of youth that will emphasize its educational activities by neighborhood,
· to increase the number of mediators in the hiring of social mediators and enhance and increase the number of guards in our city,
· Develop and enhance the network of associations, social, cultural, sports ... which, by its richness and diversity, provides a solid support.
for us all safe and all authoritarian are absolutely not the right solutions for living together.
Also, you'll understand that the Communists elected not approve this.

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True, Mr. and Ms. Bartolone Valls did not remain immobile since 2008!

Not surprisingly, we have become aware of the nomination of Ms. Valls cantonal ballot for the 20 and 27 March. If you want to learn more about the balance of his seven years in office, you will be for your costs. And most importantly, does not mention the suffering and human tragedy, the 20% of people who know the unemployment Romainville, the 1500 recipient of the RSA and the 1500 housing applicants, you would behave as horrible fatalistic and would hold a stigmatizing discourse. "Close this misery I can not see" and "long live the shared prosperity that is the favorite refrain of Madame Mayor. As if to remind the damage caused by the politics of the Right in power, was forgetting the assets which are those of the Seine Saint Denis. His second leitmotif is that of "Inaction." It is true that 'with Claude Bartolone , it did not remain motionless. College students, high school, students who they have eliminated the reimbursement of 50% of their card Imagine 'R know something. As do the people receiving the card amethyst which saw its price increased 270%. On his blog, Claude Bartolone Announces 3100 new childcare places. As usual, Ms. Valls, made in the bidding. One click, and off we went to 4000. By the way, how to Romainville ? The announcement effects also apply to colleges. It evokes an investment plan of 700 million euros, but taking care not to remember two things:
1 / That the funds devoted to investment are known, from 2008 to 2010, their lowest level since the department has inherited this ability, in the mid-1980.
2 / That plan includes the famous public-private partnership models inspired by the Liberals. Although more costly to the community that the public project and with all the risks involved in the seizure of large groups of construction . How can we believe that if they could put the interest of public service before their profits? In fact, to go ahead, Seine Saint Denis needs a well-established political left. She needs to elected es that do not yield an inch to the political right. At Romainville is Sofia DAUVERGNE and Jean-Claude MAMET .

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Their common enemy wages!

top banker. Pardon the banker, Jean-Claude Trichet, head of the European Central Bank and gatekeeping neoliberal, was could not be more clear: to increase wages? "This would be the last to do stupid things!" For Mr. Trichet, wages is like commodity prices or oil: a cost. The only difference is he has a weapon (the employers) to act on its evolution (or non-evolution). Paid 360,612 euros in 2009, the banker in chief has evolved its own salary by 4.5% since 2007 and 2.5% since 2008 ...

Bottom Didier Migaud, socialist president, it seems, of the Court of Auditors. Making its annual report, the member appointed by Nicolas Sarkozy in the post made an impassioned appeal for austerity budgets. To begin, he said, by payroll staff. Anticipating the desires of the right to power, he has advocated a freeze on civil servants' salaries until 2013. Without saying that the pension reform, which provides for the increase in contribution rates, charge have their wages net ... Two charges against the purchasing power of employees who have not begun their determination to assert their rights ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Libyan Arab world / Colonialism: the PCF called the largest demonstration Saturday, February 26

Under-colonial days, the PCF calls for greater mobilization Saturday, February 26 at 15h00, place de la Republique in Paris, in solidarity with the Arab peoples in struggle.
policy of the French authorities and their supporting dictators have lasted too long.
The PCF supports the Arab peoples who face a brutal, murderous unbearable, especially in Libya.
also he rebels against the plundering of natural resources, land grabbing, recolonization and economic interference of multinationals in African political life.
The PCF will protest on Saturday 26 for a world of solidarity and peace, respect the rights of peoples and individuals and draws all its activists, loving all progressive justice and democracy, to come and express their support for the Arab peoples
fight Saturday, February 26 to 15 H, starting Place de la Republique "out of colonialism"

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Libya: France must strongly condemn the criminal repression of Colonel Gaddafi

CPF condemns with the utmost force repression perpetrated by the criminal regime Colonel Gaddafi in the Libyan population. Far from wanting to ease things, the power of Tripoli fanning tensions. In a television interview, Seif al Islam Kadhafi's son, pretends to agree to reforms while threatening to drag the country into "civil war" with the risk of "rivers of blood". These recent statements are shocking! We urge the French authorities to outspoken and act urgently to stop this massacre and that the Libyan people can express themselves freely.

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USA: FCP indignation at the American veto against the Palestinians Council Security

The French Communist Party expresses its outrage the decision of the United States to oppose the UN veto a resolution against the Arab settlements in Palestine. Such a decision discredit the Obama administration that flouts the spirit and letter of UN resolutions on the question of Palestine. CPF reaffirms its solidarity with the Palestinian People and said that peace and justice for all in the Middle East pass through the application of international law. France and the European Union must seize this unacceptable situation to reassess their emergency policy and take necessary initiatives to finally compel Israel to implement UN resolutions. France must demand that sanctions against Israel until that country continue to flout international rules. It must recognize the Palestinian state, proclaimed in 1988, as already done a hundred countries worldwide.

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Borrowings ... or a toxic balance sheet for the Department and to the left?

Claude Bartolone - always in top form as soon as elections are looming - has emerged from its old tunes on the management of the department by his predecessors and their majorities to rally the left.
Forgetting that his colleagues had Socialists - without exception - supported all departmental proceedings on loans during the previous term, hiding that many cities headed by socialist mayors (including many in Seine-Saint-Denis) had used the structured bonds, hiding it - with the PS - contributed to the privatization of public financing tools for local authorities, the President and Deputy National Secretary was (re) launched an anti-communist, emerging in a campaign fund of drawers on "toxic loans".
Although other targets in the current departmental, national and international, would have merited such verve!
While the right multiplies attacks against the world of work, cons young people, against the public services, social protection, and against local authorities, while Claude Evin
(former Socialist Minister) attempts to carve up the public hospital, while
Dominique Strauss-Khan orchestra austerity plans cons peoples
while popular movements Tunisian, Egyptian and Libyan dictator upset of all stripes, long pampered by successive governments in France
while the number of employees in companies threatened Seine-Saint-Denis still waiting for a simple testimony to support the General Council Claude Bartolone
chose his opponent of the moment: the PCF and the Front Left, guilty, according to him, "naive" in their management! (Read about the memorandum from Pierre Ivorra, which restores some truths about debt management in the Seine-Saint-Denis ... and elsewhere!)
The right does not already short of rubbing his hands before the operation division of the left, a process already begun with the agreement electioneering PS-Europe Ecology also hotly contested in the townships.
must say that the action of Claude Bartolone at the head of the General Council for 3 years - later recalled, a experience as a minister of the City which our neighborhoods have not benefited - Has caused many disappointments and that they could articulate the 20 and 27 March at the polls by an electorate left waiting for real answers to their needs. Download

note P. Ivorra on debt Departments (PDF - 28.8 kb)
drying of funds allocated to colleges (reduced to € 12 million in 2010, the lowest level ever known in Seine-Saint-Denis) the abolition of aid to finance the map Imagin'R or acquisition of computers for students entering 6th, the explosion Tariff Card Amethyst (increased from 15 to 40 €) to the virtual liquidation of funds dedicated to urban ecology (down over 70%), inability to carry a strong word because the shared debate on the transport network of Greater Paris to manage highly contested county of public service, the list is too long for decisions taken by the Presidency of the General Council against the interests of the inhabitants of Seine-Saint-Denis.
Teachers and parents, youth, cultural actors, social workers deprived of their means, retired employees wrestling, public service agents ... many are those who expect their General Council until it becomes a major player in unifying and innovating its action.
The 15% increase in county taxes and the use of expensive public-private partnerships for the realization of future colleges will complete to satisfy the ears too sensitive to talk about "modernity" of management that has the foot on the brake in the deployment of public policy because too inspired by the liberal models.
The truth is that the Seine-Saint-Denis was particularly entrenched political need to left. Rather than intrusion of private management colleges, rather than changing logos (very expensive) media operations of no future with the "friends" of TF1 and the BNP, rather than sterile discourse " entry into the 21st century "that materialize for many families by serious setbacks, the people of this department need elected officials who do not yield an inch to the right policies, elected officials who work with and for the people who live, work and study in Seine-Saint-Denis.
This department needs a left-wing majority determined to invent something that concocted recipes in the corridors of the IMF or the European Union, the consensus between the SP and the right. This department needs to build roads bold, in dialogue with everyone!
Failing to take a very disappointing results for the electorate to the left, with acts far behind compared to the many promises of yesterday (we'll come back as citizens want to do away with unfulfilled commitments!), Claude Bartolone tent - a few weeks of a very undecided vote for the changing balance of forces within the county left - to hijack the aspirations Popular new left-wing majority to the head of the General Council.
Communists and the Left Front's forces meanwhile continue its dialogue with the population to build the choices will be those on the left to the General Council after the cantonal elections. One lane certainly more complex than smaller but more useful electioneering in the Seine-Saint-Denis and its inhabitants!
Lu on the site of the Federation of the Seine Saint Denis CPF.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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OPEN LETTER to Mr Claude EVIN , Director General of the Regional Health Agency
ARS Ile de France
35 rue de la Gare 75935 Paris
Mr. Director General,

We want this letter to express our concern and that of the population about the future of emergency surgery in hospital Andre Gregory of Montreuil, near Romainville .
This hospital plays a major role to meet the care needs of our citizens, particularly in emergency surgery in this sector of the Seine Saint-Denis . Currently the operating room is open 24 hours 24. A dozen surgeries are performed in an average weekend in custody.

Indeed, it is clear that the decision is made to discontinue this service from surgery overnight and weekend weekend in the hospital, and transfer operations and emergency care at the hospital Robert Ballanger of Aulnay sous Bois, and the acts supplemental radiology and medical imaging.

authorities, however, hospital officials A. Gregory behave as if the decision was still under deliberation, then that, in contrast, doctors and nurses of R. Ballanger prepare to welcome this heightened activity in June 2011, and that the decision in respect of them is actually acted.
Our letter has two objectives:

The first is transparency and truth-seeking. The public has a right to know! Decisions of the Regional Health Agency (LRA) must be publicly known and all the information. Otherwise, it will prove even more, if were needed, that the LRA has the purpose or effect of undermining the democratic means of control available to the public with the role of their elected boards, and the opinion of the medical profession. The ARS that obeys 'a logic of management and profitability at the expense of taking into account the needs and even the simple democratic consultation.

The second objective is to inform you of our intention to act to prevent the dismantling, and mobilized for this population, physicians, associations, trade unions and political forces. You not hidden in autumn 2010 your goal of bringing services to emergency surgery in a single platform by department, and is actually what is looming.

We therefore urge you to fully clarify your intentions, on the deliberations of the LRA, to know all the official documents of studies and decisions on these matters, and medical arguments that warrant in relation to the health needs of the Seine Saint Denis.

Thanking you in advance for the personal attention you give to our request, please accept, Mr. Director Generally, the expression of our respectful greetings.

Councilwoman of Romainville Group President Elect Communist candidate in the election

Jean Claude MAMET
Alternate Candidate ( NPA)

Romainville February 15, 2011

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Fracture social and political fracture

If our commitment is always dependent on our perception of reality, recognize that the "political show" that we are offered is as poignant and disturbing. In the social divide seems to add a broken policy. According to the latest survey by Cevipof sadly passed rather unnoticed, not less than 83% of our citizens consider that the "policies" are not interested in their fate. Even local politicians, mayors and councilors, so far sanctuarized, are drawn into this collective defiance. That is still the word of Nicolas Sarkozy? Who, since his last television can give any credibility to his promises? And yet who dares to listen without that terrible feeling of disbelief that undermines its very purpose? Not many people indeed. And then, this weekend it was felt that the meeting of central bankers of the world have been first to decipher the smallest gestures and words of IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss Kahn. That say, for example, the color of his tie on his presidential intentions? Dominique Strauss Kahn, who knows what he could say pensions and "dogma of 60 years, and it is from his work as head of the IMF, the countries concerned to adhere to financial market expectations. Is this what Claude wants to hide Bartolone when he said on LCI "I want Dominique Strauss Kahn finish" his work as a technician at the head of the IMF, "for the G8 and G20 are held under optimum conditions." Tackling the political divide is, in particular for the left, pull the true teachings of past failures. It must have courage to leave the backwater of government deficits, the financial profitability of European directives or recommendations from the IMF. Also is it any wonder that local politicians are also trained in the distrust shown by our fellow citizens against "policy" ? Let's see what happens in our city. The announcement effects are repeated at such a pace that doubts settle more in people's minds. Local democracy is reduced to its simplest expression. Those who dare to say that the employment situation of the French revolt 85%, the cost of health 78%, the purchasing power of 77%, 75% social differences are "archaic." Those who recall that the number of recipients of the 1500 RSA approach in our city, that unemployment affects nearly 20% of the workforce, the number of applicants for housing continues to grow, are "cheesy." Modernity would be the sole statement of "shared prosperity". Nice way to evacuate the debate on what should be left to change really. Reversing the steam between wages and profits, implement a law that restores much right to retire at age 60, change our whole tax system, build a real income tax progressive, which makes reducing inequalities "... How likely do not it would move our fellow citizens when they see what the left is in control, as the General Council of Seine Saint Denis she is unable to oppose the liberal logic? This is what creates the fatalism and powerlessness. March 20, hope it's Sofia Dauvergne and Jean-Claude Mamet.

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CPF condemns the brutal repression in Libya and Bahrain

CPF expresses grave concern and outrage at the repressive practices of criminal governments of Libya and Bahrain to take live ammunition against demonstrators. The peoples of these countries, like Tunisia, Egypt and other Arab states in the world, require their freedom, respect for basic rules of the rule of law and effective responses to their expectations of equality and justice social. The PCF provides full support to these legitimate demands. It condemns the policy of brutal repression by regimes chosen unable to hear their own people and especially the youth of their country. France and the European Union should remind the authorities of Libya and Bahrain to respect for life and universal values to immediately end the use of armed force against civilians.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Some details about the history of the "Trianon"

This morning the newspaper "Le Parisien" we announced the renovation of Trianon, so that it regains its former glory. With all the inhabitants of our city, Noisy and Seine Saint Denis, we are delighted. We return, but first we would like to clarify a few points of history. The journalist wrote: "The art room and testing of the two common property, was inaugurated in 1953." This formulation might suggest that Noisy-le-Sec and Romainville own room since then. The direction of Trianon was provided from 1936 to 1983 by Ms. Lord first, then by his son. In April 1944, during the bombing of the station of Noisy, cinema is completely devastated. At the time an agreement was reached with the town led by Pierre Kerautret and projections were organized Palais des Festivals.
is January 21, 1953 that the new Trianon opens, all gleaming with its bistro (run by Roger Lord). In 1982 the brothers seek to meet the Lord elected Romainville. Death in the soul, they just tell them that they decided to put an end to the long love story that binds them to "their film." But they can not get used to the idea of the disappearing landscape Romainvillois. It was then that undertake discussions on the purchase of the hall by the city. The elected Romainville then turn to their neighbors and friends of Noisy-le-Sec.
Together, they decided in 1983 to buy the Trianon for a sum of 900,000 francs for each city. The inauguration will be attended by Jacques Ralite, then minister. It is useful here to pay tribute to Rene Lord, now deceased. After the purchase of Trianon by both cities, René has continued to perform its various functions in the film, with director Zoe Merat. He was always there, tearing your ticket, smiling and inviting you to take a seat for "The Last Sitting." And through the window of the dining room of the Lord, imposing mass of Trianon was always there, reassuring for René. Remember also that in the late 1980s, significant work took place on the boiler and changing every seat was taken, with funding from the General Council.
Returning to the proposed work, we simply dare hope that this is not once again without an announcement tomorrow, as we have seen in the recent past. In February 2007, it was the grammar school that is "passed and funded by the Region" is the CMS, which was announced "the move "And in February 2008 which becomes a" health center expanded. That same month it is "Work to extend the metro line 11, to begin in 2010." This is preventing us inspired by the contents of the article itself. After describing the funding that seem acquired, the journalist wrote: "Stay the department for which nothing will be resolved before the budget vote in late May, says Vice-President in charge of culture, Emmanuel Constant." "In principle, the framework resolution of cinemas is maintained," he assures. In contrast, the amount of participation of the General Council is still under discussion . So how can the reporter write it, "What ideally, work should start in May until October, while the financing plan would see the day after the vote of the General Council, to late May. In any event, with all lovers of Trianon, we hope with all my heart that the proposals being discussed by its director and deductions.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Do not let the big construction groups decide the future of college and departmental finances

Thus, given the withdrawal of the State, departments are turning increasingly to the Public Private Partnership (PPP) to finance their investments. Seine Saint Denis, the majority PS passed a plan for colleges of 700 million euros, of which more than half of PPP. The Communist councilors do not express members. We agree. Obviously, it would involve an opposition between "cheesy" and proponents of "modernity". It is a very elegant way to escape the debate. After all, the Communists are the only ones to say that the PPP is the "Trojan horse of big capital" to borrow a phrase from Claude Bartolone?
Who said, about them "I denounce the perverse ideology of PPP and insists on the financial excesses that lead. The aim of PPP is to allow majors the construction "to recover 15% of the 150 billion annual public commissions. The sole reason to go faster into debt and not the state or communities, these PPPs allow Bouygues and consort emancipate rules of competition. The subject is heavy and creates a violent hostility of SMEs, the association of architects and their unions, surveyors, business second work ". The "cheesy", Jean-Jacques Urvoas, MP PS Finistère. (The bomb that illustrates this article moreover been taken on his blog).

To justify the use of PPP, Claude Bartolone cites two main reasons. First, the delay in the construction of colleges. Yet from 2001 to 2007 41 million per year have been spent, against 20 million per year since 2008. The second reason lies in the fact that PPPs have the advantage of not increasing the debt department. "Patatras," the Gazette of Commons confirmed in its edition of February 11, a recent law requires communities to recognize the investment in PPP as a debt. What seemed obvious to any good "manager."

When we read the writings of Claude Bartolone, or even those of his third vice-president, it evokes a unique investment plan, but is careful not to make any allusion to the PPP. And for good reason. These PPP, launched into a logic of state disengagement and opening up to private aims, in the words of the General Council, "to give someone a global mission whose purpose is the financing, construction, maintenance and equipment maintenance ... The remuneration of the company is subject to the payment of rent for the duration of the contract, from the delivery of college. " The owner will participate on the board of the college. It can, to recoup its investment, may need to rent equipment. Who can stop him? How will the personal TOS (technicians and skilled workers under conditions of extended opening? One solution used to hiring, and certainly not within the public service. Claude Gueant, then Director of Cabinet of Minister Inside, recalled in 2006, about personal TOS that define their missions do "not appear to exclude use of other personal and even private contractors to perform the maintenance tasks. " One can, hand on heart, promise keeping personnel and their missions. That will weigh the council, faced with construction majors whose only motivation is profit-seeking? It is the owner in charge of maintenance and upkeep, will decide.

Finally one of the arguments to get the pill is to support the financing costs of PPPs would be lower. 'll Move to Thierry Klopfer, Claude Bartolone was commissioned in 2008 to appraise the financial position of the department. Here's what he expressed in an interview with the newspaper "Les Echos" October 10, 2010: "The cost of funding the PPP is much heavier than a project management service. Businesses borrow at rates higher rebill it to communities and those interests are also subject to VAT, unlike bank loans. " Corny too, Mr. Klopfer?

How the intrusion of large private groups in the public was worried about it not those who are tired of creeping privatization and cuts in public spending driven by the right? What credibility can give our fellow citizens to change policy in 2012, where if she is in control, the left is incapable of opposing any resistance to the liberal logic? As expressed by the general council communists: "We say yes to a sufficient number of colleges in our department to meet the construction needs of students, faculty and administration, but we say no to financial risk that would have dramatic consequences for Séquano-Saint Denis. Because we should not kid ourselves, they are the ones who will pay. "

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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The future of public service in the heart of local cantonal elections

A little over a month the local elections, it is useful to revisit the reasons why many departments to be on the brink of bankruptcy, and on responses to it. Sarkozy government policy and reform communities aimed at removing a few more people and places of power occurs, in fact, as the epilogue of a process begun last twenty years. All successive governments have been a single obsession: how to skip all locks, all resistance to the European integration policy? How do local relays, the most efficient possible, a policy the regression? How to make the financial windfall that are their expenses? Maastricht Treaty, to the Nice and Lisbon, we find the same logic: the economic war, competition between men and territories, financialization of the entire economy toward greater profitability at the expense of expenses for salaries, training, research, to the detriment of public services and social spending.

In 2000, a commission chaired by Pierre Mauroy is responsible for preparing the second act of decentralization. It is reported a clarification of responsibilities, transfer of RMI departments. The future of the latter is described as dependent on the development of intermunicipal. But the most significant development has been the assertion in the context of Europe, regions larger and stronger. It is in these conditions that may Raffarin in 2003 to pass a reform that is causing the financial asphyxiation face today a growing number of departments. RMI, national roads, staff colleges TOS (technicians and skilled workers) are transferred to the departments. But the project Raffarin, "the mother of all reforms," as he liked to say, was much more than a second act of decentralization. With the passage of a constitutional act, it was a reform as important as that of 1958 and that was to change the daily life of French with the consequences of which we measure the damage today.

We were facing a challenge to civilization, but, apart from the communists, all elected were placed on the same ground as the government demand more powers. Remember that this constitutional reform was passed unanimously by the parliament in joint session March 28, 2003, with the exception of Communist deputies and senators. In these circumstances it was easier for Sarkozy to prepare the report on Balladur, his project of breaking local authorities. The situation of near bankruptcy in which there are an estimated one third of departments had contained the seeds of the vote in the constitutional reform in March 2003. With the transfer of large segments of the major missions national policy to departments and regions, all social and territorial inequalities have worsened.

With the crisis, the departments are facing an unprecedented increase in social expenditure (income solidarity active allocation custom self, compensatory allowance of disability). It should of course require the State to compensate "the euro" by these transfers. But the time is not it time to ask the state to resume the name of national solidarity payment of benefits to beneficiaries of RSA ? Similarly, while the debate on dependency is on the agenda, funding for the APA by the departments should it be sustained? Since its establishment on 1 January 2002, the Communist councilors of our department has relied on this progress to recognize the dependency of the elderly, who have contributed all their lives, as the fifth risk whose support would be provided by the Social Security. The news of this proposal does not she perfect sense today? So, faced with a massive withdrawal of the state departments they must be placed on his property, such as with public-private partnerships to finance the construction of colleges? We think not and we will return in a future post. To loosen the noose, the vote for 20 and 27 March will weigh.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Shooting Pain Through Anus And Abdomen

From audacity!

Cultural Policy: the audacity!

Seine-Saint-Denis is known for the vibrancy and quality of its public cultural policies.

- Second Department theatrical France with three national drama centers (SSC): Theatre Gerard Philippe Saint-Denis, Theatre de la Commune d'Aubervilliers, New Theatre de Montreuil, La Maison de la Culture Bobigny (MC93).

- International meetings of choreography born in Bagnolet, Suburbs and Dynamo Blue.

- The festival of Saint-Denis,
- Many festivals, creating structures: Suburb, documentary filmmaking in Montreuil, Oposito, street arts in Noisy le Sec, the labs of Aubervilliers, Diams Les Lilas, the Book Fair and Youth Press in Montreuil, operators recognized in the field of cultural activity, particularly in schools: Citizenship Youth Foundation, 93, Zebrock ...

- Important and former interim mesh and libraries.

Over the years, this cultural heritage had to be defended against the disengagement of the state and the attempts of ideological domination of the entertainment industry groups.

We do not accept that culture is reduced by the mainstream media and the entertainment industry to a single consumer market in defiance of artistic creation.

Here must also conduct an ambitious policy in promoting the advantages existing in Romainville and working partnerships with other regional and departmental structures.

- We will fight for an ambitious and innovative General Council, which revives a genuine dialogue with those involved in cultural life, which gives grants in a transparent and keeps its commitments.
We will defend the Book Fair and Youth Press in Montreuil and "Treasure Book", an initiative that enables the discovery of books and reading to young children throughout the year and the Biennale of Contemporary Art Africolor and music festival,

We will fight for a general council to ensure that these troops and companies on our department the means necessary for their creations.

- We will give priority to youth: the cultural and artistic initiatives in the colleges will be strengthened both in content than the means.

- The extra-curricular cultural activities will be supported and developed: National School of Music, media, leadership and funding of local projects for young and old alike.

- We will support the Collectif 93 for a revival of public policies on art and creation.

A Romainville:

- We will support the music network and encourage the diversity of cultural expressions and innovative places, places of rehearsals and recordings, including allowing the use of the room to the Lower Country, for amplified music.
- We will contribute to the preservation and development of Trianon by opening a second room in the basement.

Because we know that culture is not a luxury reserved for a privileged few but a right essential to the exercise of citizenship and individual development, we believe that requires a veritable cultural project, a real ambition for Romainville and Seine-Saint-Denis

This real ambition can be achieved by continuing the current policy of the General Council which reduced subsidies to cultural associations county.

We invite you to discuss with professionals and activists, especially in the presence of Mr. Edgard Garcia, director of the association "Chroma (Cultural Action in the field of contemporary music and popular).

With your candidate Sofia Dauvergne

and his deputy Jean-Claude Mamet

At Café market
"The command"
Square March 19, 1962
(market place )
Thursday, February 17 at
19 hours

Mounting Of Weeding Cake

ISF - CAC 40: "To enrich the rich, that the urgency of the right"

There are coincidences that do not lie. On the one hand, we learn that the income patterns of the ACC 40 are starting to rebound in 2009, 928 000 864 000 average against euro in 2008. On the other, Government announces want to raise the ceiling of the ISF of 800,000 euros to 1.3 million. Enrich the rich, that the urgency of the right!
Not content to stuff yourself on the backs of employees, they need more that the State goes to checkout with new provisions for tax exemption! Is to disregard a corporation that is fraying, where the vast majority of the population is simply asking: "How am I going to get out ... What future for my children? "This
greed has lasted too long. Times are to change. They come from the other side of the Mediterranean with a wind force power 7. The government there had better be careful and calm the appetite for indecent band at Fouquet's.