Thursday, February 24, 2011

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debate budget guidelines: the intervention of Sofia Dauvergne

City Council Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Madam Mayor,
"Like every year we have to discuss budget guidelines. We recall once again for us, this debate should allow elected s express on priorities, issues and developments in the financial condition of our community.
But for this it was necessary to have elements of financial and budgetary and reporting of trade expressed at a Finance Committee. This debate should
including, be preceded by public debates so that democratically, the public be involved in the preparation and choices that result.
Instead, he has taken the party, once again, to emphasize the information when the budget vote, I guess, when everything will be closed. We can, again, only regret.
However, all members of this assembly can not agree more, I mean of course, politicians from left, whether in majority or in opposition to the harmfulness of the policy of the couple Sarkozy-Fillon. When
this year, dividends to shareholders of CAC 40 companies posted a record 40 billion euros (up 13%), the most since 2001, and at the same time 8 million people live below the poverty and misery rose 2.1% in 2010. While
172 billion euros are located in tax havens and, consequently, exempt from all charges and that big business has 22 billion euros of exemption from social security contributions, the Government proposes to introduce a "social VAT" in order to further reduce the contributions of these companies, straining at the same time more household budgets. Our city has
1464 RSA beneficiaries, or 5.57% of the population (latest statistics CAF).
20% of the population is unemployed Romainvilloise and this figure reached over 30% for youth under 25 years.
What we do not answer us that is the crisis or financial hardship!
The current crisis of capitalism. It is this crisis that the band "Fouquets" is the French support in setting up, in absolute doctrine, a policy of fiscal and social injustice.
When, after questioning the right to a dignified retirement at age 60 and full, a new regression Democratic majority is imposed on us with the reform of local government: the freezing of allocations, the removal of TP.
Indeed, when the French trapped by this crisis, see their daily living conditions precarious and they expect communities even more support, the government opted for worse by challenging the founding principles of our republic: the territorial equality and the duty of solidarity.
Many utilities that have already been removed in the logic of budget savings: courts, treasuries, hospitals, post office ... then they are ever approached by people.
The current logic of the single reduction in public expenditure of the state is struggling municipalities at the expense of equality between the territories and the service rendered users. And Romainville no exception.
Also, even if we repeat it and use the same words as last year, we wonder, once again, as the framework for our city budget for 2011.
This year, everything goes well, it seems, in Romainville because the operation is controlled and any investment may continue.
Cash flow increased from 6.9 million to 7.3 million, thus taking the "force" as you noted in your report: the force at the expense of which budget lines?
Staff costs, social benefits, the functioning of public services?
I would note that:
In 2001, the actual operating expenditures amounted to 39 million euros. In 2010, they are more than 36 million euros, a decrease of 7.69%.
In 2001, actual investment was 13 million. In 2010, they spend 33 million euros, an increase of 153.85%.
It is said in this report, we will control the current operating expenses. But
about operating expenses, is about service to population.
is about social policy, cultural, sporting, educational.
is talking about personal greeting services, roads, parks, the CCAS, the Caisse des Ecoles. In short, it is about everyday people.
Also, given the economic situation which has been criticized previously, this expenditure control is in effect, reduce the service rendered to the population of Romainville.
This population will be known again this year, despite the long-awaited overhaul of the gate of the family quotient, tariff increases benefits social growth as we continue to not approve.
It is stated in the prospects for achieving 2011, the operation of the ZAC de l'Horloge, project structuring, which will involve the public and elected officials of the council, contrary, and no offense to some, the experience in the development of the project by collecting air, expensive project, priority or unwanted.
The opening of the library and building a new gym in the city center should not make us forget that we have deprived people of access to reading for 18 months but also a sports facility for 2 years for a "Monoprix" which is hard to see the day ...
In this list of prospects, there is no reference to the proposed rebuilding of the school's downtown. I recall that it had been a unanimous vote of our Assembly.
We can not stress it enough, if we favor investment, we are totally opposed to investment at any price. For us, these choices are more complicated in the sense of accompaniment to the political right, faithful to the policies values left.
Therefore, before the economic tsunami and the national political choices, our discussion of fiscal policy must play its full meaning.
In developing the 2011 budget, financial constraints the state imposes on us, we should not install "in management to management."
More than ever, we must respond to the needs and expectations Romainvillois,
More than ever, we need to support and sustain each of them by a real political left.
Given the liberal right, there is no question of our elected Communists to resign ourselves.
We aim to change people's lives. It is a matter of democracy, social justice and equality Republican.
Therefore, we must act, with the population, to stop these unjust situations, unacceptable and unworthy of a country that calls itself democratic.
Also, you'll understand Madam Mayor, as requested by Stéphane HESSEL "
" We are appalled "


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