Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Do not let the big construction groups decide the future of college and departmental finances

Thus, given the withdrawal of the State, departments are turning increasingly to the Public Private Partnership (PPP) to finance their investments. Seine Saint Denis, the majority PS passed a plan for colleges of 700 million euros, of which more than half of PPP. The Communist councilors do not express members. We agree. Obviously, it would involve an opposition between "cheesy" and proponents of "modernity". It is a very elegant way to escape the debate. After all, the Communists are the only ones to say that the PPP is the "Trojan horse of big capital" to borrow a phrase from Claude Bartolone?
Who said, about them "I denounce the perverse ideology of PPP and insists on the financial excesses that lead. The aim of PPP is to allow majors the construction "to recover 15% of the 150 billion annual public commissions. The sole reason to go faster into debt and not the state or communities, these PPPs allow Bouygues and consort emancipate rules of competition. The subject is heavy and creates a violent hostility of SMEs, the association of architects and their unions, surveyors, business second work ". The "cheesy", Jean-Jacques Urvoas, MP PS Finistère. (The bomb that illustrates this article moreover been taken on his blog).

To justify the use of PPP, Claude Bartolone cites two main reasons. First, the delay in the construction of colleges. Yet from 2001 to 2007 41 million per year have been spent, against 20 million per year since 2008. The second reason lies in the fact that PPPs have the advantage of not increasing the debt department. "Patatras," the Gazette of Commons confirmed in its edition of February 11, a recent law requires communities to recognize the investment in PPP as a debt. What seemed obvious to any good "manager."

When we read the writings of Claude Bartolone, or even those of his third vice-president, it evokes a unique investment plan, but is careful not to make any allusion to the PPP. And for good reason. These PPP, launched into a logic of state disengagement and opening up to private aims, in the words of the General Council, "to give someone a global mission whose purpose is the financing, construction, maintenance and equipment maintenance ... The remuneration of the company is subject to the payment of rent for the duration of the contract, from the delivery of college. " The owner will participate on the board of the college. It can, to recoup its investment, may need to rent equipment. Who can stop him? How will the personal TOS (technicians and skilled workers under conditions of extended opening? One solution used to hiring, and certainly not within the public service. Claude Gueant, then Director of Cabinet of Minister Inside, recalled in 2006, about personal TOS that define their missions do "not appear to exclude use of other personal and even private contractors to perform the maintenance tasks. " One can, hand on heart, promise keeping personnel and their missions. That will weigh the council, faced with construction majors whose only motivation is profit-seeking? It is the owner in charge of maintenance and upkeep, will decide.

Finally one of the arguments to get the pill is to support the financing costs of PPPs would be lower. 'll Move to Thierry Klopfer, Claude Bartolone was commissioned in 2008 to appraise the financial position of the department. Here's what he expressed in an interview with the newspaper "Les Echos" October 10, 2010: "The cost of funding the PPP is much heavier than a project management service. Businesses borrow at rates higher rebill it to communities and those interests are also subject to VAT, unlike bank loans. " Corny too, Mr. Klopfer?

How the intrusion of large private groups in the public was worried about it not those who are tired of creeping privatization and cuts in public spending driven by the right? What credibility can give our fellow citizens to change policy in 2012, where if she is in control, the left is incapable of opposing any resistance to the liberal logic? As expressed by the general council communists: "We say yes to a sufficient number of colleges in our department to meet the construction needs of students, faculty and administration, but we say no to financial risk that would have dramatic consequences for Séquano-Saint Denis. Because we should not kid ourselves, they are the ones who will pay. "


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