Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mounting Of Weeding Cake

ISF - CAC 40: "To enrich the rich, that the urgency of the right"

There are coincidences that do not lie. On the one hand, we learn that the income patterns of the ACC 40 are starting to rebound in 2009, 928 000 864 000 average against euro in 2008. On the other, Government announces want to raise the ceiling of the ISF of 800,000 euros to 1.3 million. Enrich the rich, that the urgency of the right!
Not content to stuff yourself on the backs of employees, they need more that the State goes to checkout with new provisions for tax exemption! Is to disregard a corporation that is fraying, where the vast majority of the population is simply asking: "How am I going to get out ... What future for my children? "This
greed has lasted too long. Times are to change. They come from the other side of the Mediterranean with a wind force power 7. The government there had better be careful and calm the appetite for indecent band at Fouquet's.


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