Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brazilian Wax Adults Onlyu

Borrowings ... or a toxic balance sheet for the Department and to the left?

Claude Bartolone - always in top form as soon as elections are looming - has emerged from its old tunes on the management of the department by his predecessors and their majorities to rally the left.
Forgetting that his colleagues had Socialists - without exception - supported all departmental proceedings on loans during the previous term, hiding that many cities headed by socialist mayors (including many in Seine-Saint-Denis) had used the structured bonds, hiding it - with the PS - contributed to the privatization of public financing tools for local authorities, the President and Deputy National Secretary was (re) launched an anti-communist, emerging in a campaign fund of drawers on "toxic loans".
Although other targets in the current departmental, national and international, would have merited such verve!
While the right multiplies attacks against the world of work, cons young people, against the public services, social protection, and against local authorities, while Claude Evin
(former Socialist Minister) attempts to carve up the public hospital, while
Dominique Strauss-Khan orchestra austerity plans cons peoples
while popular movements Tunisian, Egyptian and Libyan dictator upset of all stripes, long pampered by successive governments in France
while the number of employees in companies threatened Seine-Saint-Denis still waiting for a simple testimony to support the General Council Claude Bartolone
chose his opponent of the moment: the PCF and the Front Left, guilty, according to him, "naive" in their management! (Read about the memorandum from Pierre Ivorra, which restores some truths about debt management in the Seine-Saint-Denis ... and elsewhere!)
The right does not already short of rubbing his hands before the operation division of the left, a process already begun with the agreement electioneering PS-Europe Ecology also hotly contested in the townships.
must say that the action of Claude Bartolone at the head of the General Council for 3 years - later recalled, a experience as a minister of the City which our neighborhoods have not benefited - Has caused many disappointments and that they could articulate the 20 and 27 March at the polls by an electorate left waiting for real answers to their needs. Download

note P. Ivorra on debt Departments (PDF - 28.8 kb)
drying of funds allocated to colleges (reduced to € 12 million in 2010, the lowest level ever known in Seine-Saint-Denis) the abolition of aid to finance the map Imagin'R or acquisition of computers for students entering 6th, the explosion Tariff Card Amethyst (increased from 15 to 40 €) to the virtual liquidation of funds dedicated to urban ecology (down over 70%), inability to carry a strong word because the shared debate on the transport network of Greater Paris to manage highly contested county of public service, the list is too long for decisions taken by the Presidency of the General Council against the interests of the inhabitants of Seine-Saint-Denis.
Teachers and parents, youth, cultural actors, social workers deprived of their means, retired employees wrestling, public service agents ... many are those who expect their General Council until it becomes a major player in unifying and innovating its action.
The 15% increase in county taxes and the use of expensive public-private partnerships for the realization of future colleges will complete to satisfy the ears too sensitive to talk about "modernity" of management that has the foot on the brake in the deployment of public policy because too inspired by the liberal models.
The truth is that the Seine-Saint-Denis was particularly entrenched political need to left. Rather than intrusion of private management colleges, rather than changing logos (very expensive) media operations of no future with the "friends" of TF1 and the BNP, rather than sterile discourse " entry into the 21st century "that materialize for many families by serious setbacks, the people of this department need elected officials who do not yield an inch to the right policies, elected officials who work with and for the people who live, work and study in Seine-Saint-Denis.
This department needs a left-wing majority determined to invent something that concocted recipes in the corridors of the IMF or the European Union, the consensus between the SP and the right. This department needs to build roads bold, in dialogue with everyone!
Failing to take a very disappointing results for the electorate to the left, with acts far behind compared to the many promises of yesterday (we'll come back as citizens want to do away with unfulfilled commitments!), Claude Bartolone tent - a few weeks of a very undecided vote for the changing balance of forces within the county left - to hijack the aspirations Popular new left-wing majority to the head of the General Council.
Communists and the Left Front's forces meanwhile continue its dialogue with the population to build the choices will be those on the left to the General Council after the cantonal elections. One lane certainly more complex than smaller but more useful electioneering in the Seine-Saint-Denis and its inhabitants!
Lu on the site of the Federation of the Seine Saint Denis CPF.


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